Sunday, November 02, 2008

Halloween pictures

Mosey waving to Joseph, Brigham, and I at his preschool Halloween parade. He has very good waving form for a Scooby.

Joseph's and Brigham's centerpieces they made for the ward Trunk-r-treat. They designed them entirely by themselves. Almost worthy of the relief society!

Ah, delicious pumpkin guts.

I dared him to eat a big bite. He's thinking about it. Do pumpkin guts count as vegetables?

Brigham looks disgusted, but actually he really liked the slimy mess. In fact, he likes slime of all sorts. We're having an algae "issue" in our pool recently, and he has really enjoyed going out and scooping the green slime out of our pool filter. Good times.

Three big pumpkins make a lot of guts.

The fruits of our labors! From left to right across the back: Mosey's, Joseph's (he wanted a keyhole in his pumpkin. I have no idea.), and Brigham's. In the front is our little watermelon-head.
Cool glowing pumpkins.

We decided to continue our tradition from last year (we didn't get a chance to buy pumpkins till Halloween afternoon, and HEB was all out, so Ben brought home a watermelon and pineapple instead), so here's watermelon-head.

And pineapple-head. I think he looks like one of those Easter Island statues.

Joseph trick-or-treated only for about 10 minutes then came home. He wasn't feeling too good. So I very reasonably let him eat all the candy in his bag.

Mosey stayed out another 10 minutes and then he came home.

Brigham was our hard-core trick-or-treater and stayed out probably 45 minutes or so before he came back with Ben. I wanted to get one picture of the trick-or-treaters, but Joseph was having none of it, so this was the best I got. Oh well, at least it proves they were there.


*MARY* said...

You guys are amazing carvers. I've never seen carved pumpkins or watermelons before, and the keyhole is so mysterious.

Christian Jacob Frandsen said...

Gabrielle, I just made a blog: