Friday, July 25, 2008

less than one day

Less than one day until I see my babies!!!!!!
Ben is bringing the boys out to Houston tomorrow morning, to spend the day and night with me. I cannot wait. I have to go to the lab tomorrow for blood work, so I'll be praying for good blood results so I don't have to stay at the hospital for transfusions.
We spent the morning and early afternoon at the hospital today. We got there about 9:30 for the blood draw, then went to the Sundial (nice waiting area for patients with windows overlooking the hospital entrance, and free cookies and coffee-- hot chocolate for us-- for patients). I thought I'd sit there and read my book, but I've been so starved from just being able to *look* at things, I just sat there the whole time and people-watched. I realized one of the hard things about the hospital stay was that, even though I had a really interesting view overlooking the medical center, I couldn't see any greenery. No trees or grass or anything.
So we went back to the clinic at 10:30, and ended up waiting for almost 2 hours before they FINALLY got my blood results (they say it normally won't take that long-- I hope not!) and got us in to talk to the nurse-practitioner. So my white blood cells are doing well, up to 2.4 from 1.8 yesterday. My neutrophil absolute count (I guess this may actually be the more important number) was up to 2.3, from 1.66 yesterday. So my brand-new bone marrow is doing it's job.
But my platelets are dropping, and my hemoglobin was 8.4. Normally they won't transfuse until it's lower than 8, but I've still got the doctors worried about my low blood pressure/high heart rate combination. I got disconnected from my IV fluids today which was a HUGE blessing. I'm not carrying around anything now! Anyway, I guess they don't think the problem is hydration (which I could have told them, because my blood pressure has been running low, and my heart rate has been climbing throughout this whole process, even when they had the fluids at their highest rate). So the newest plan is to give me blood and see if maybe my anemia is the cause of the high heart rate.
So I have to head back to the hospital tonight for a blood transfusion. It should only take a couple hours, and then we can go back to the hotel. It's a pain, but I'm not that upset, this is a minor problem to be dealing with compared with what could go wrong. I'd rather the doctors be worried about figuring out the cause of my heart issues rather than worrying about the cause of some infection!
So that's it for today. Sorry for these long travelogue type posts. Nothing else is really going on except my schedule of medical stuff, so that's what you're getting.
Oh yeah, beautiful sunshine today, instead of the pouring rain yesterday, so another reason to make me smile.
Have a lovely day everyone!


Jill T said...

Gabrielle, I bet you and your kids are sooo excited to see each other! I'm glad that things are looking good for you. We appreciate the updates!

Anonymous said...

We share your joy in counting down the hours till you hold, kiss and enjoy your boys. We admire your positive attitude and your strength. Will continue to pray for you.
We love you!

Anonymous said...


I'm a certifiable sap. Every time I log on, I find myself in tears. Sometimes it been tears of hurt for the difficult days you've had to endure...but now its tears of elation!!!! I just thank the Lord for your recovery and for the ability for you to see the boys. I would LOOOOOVE to see that very moment that you see them for the first time in what seems forever!!!!! OK - gotta wipe my tears. Praise you, Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!

Hugs and prayers still comin' your way, lady. :)

Amy F said...

Can't wait to hear about your fun day. So glad you lasted your long stint in the hospital!

liz said...

Gabby, I am so happy things are getting better and so excited for you to see your boys. I am sure not seeing your kids has been one of the hardest thing of this whole trial and now you get to see them, yahoooo!