Thursday, July 31, 2008

Coming up for air

I've been absent the last couple of days because they've been a thoroughly ROTTEN couple of days! But I'm better now, no fears.
I started feeling nauseated Monday night, then Tuesday I was feeling horrible, and started throwing up that afternoon. I didn't really stop throwing up until late last night. I was so scared I was going to have to go back into the hospital, because I couldn't take my meds. But I begged the nurse practitioner not to re-admit me, and instead yesterday I got IV fluids in the hospital, and now I'm saddled with my favorite port-a-pump IV thingy.
I'm feeling way better today, though, which is such a relief. I think my entire GI tract just decided to go on strike. It reminded me how much I HATE THROWING UP!!!
My counts are doing ok, they were up yesterday, but down a little today. This whole process really is two steps forward, one step back. But I haven't been put on Neupogen shots, and the doctor seems fine with my numbers, so I guess all is progressing as it should.
I get a day off from the hospital tomorrow (don't have to go back till Saturday!) so we may actually go somewhere besides the hospital and the hotel! Yeah, are we crazy or what?!
That's it for today!


Naomi said...

I'm so glad you're feeling better, Gabrielle. Have fun playing hooky from the hospital today. Are you going to go to Ima Hogg's plantation? For some reason that name seems rather contradictory to your strict regimen of throwing up everything you've eaten for the past week...

Christine said...

What a relief to finally stop throwing up. I hope your numbers continue to climb over the weekend, it sounds like you are ready for another few steps forward after a hard few days. We love you!

Anonymous said...

You poor thing! I think you'll be able to coach people through anything after this! Hey, Joseph's little picture/sign-in book came yesterday! Thanks for the lead.