Friday, July 18, 2008

Gabrielle Update: From her mom

Hello from the 11th Floor of the MD Anderson Cancer Center! I arrived on Tuesday, changing places with Ben to stay with Gabrielle. Gabrielle's reports are witty and charmingly descriptive -- Ben's reports are succinct and extraordinarily understandable. Mine will be none of that, I fear. But until Gabrielle is able to write her own posts, you're stuck with me!
Here's what has happened since I arrived three days ago: Tuesday evening and all day Wednesday, Gabrielle was very sick. Nausea, constant need to use the bathroom, fever, and generally feeling as horrible as a person can feel this side of the grave. The doctors had warned that these would be the worst days as her blood counts bottomed out and the last lingering chemo drugs were still affecting her weakened body. They were right. GAbrielle was discouraged and exhausted -- emotionally and physically drained. We were all very alarmed when her fever began to rise again -- worried that she would experience another MS flare-up as she did last week. But the doctors acted very agressively and the fever never rose above 101. By Thursday morning, Gabrielle was feeling like a new woman -- and looking like one too. Her hair began to fall out in clumps Thursday morning, so she persuaded me to just go ahead and shave her head. That's an experience I never anticipated I would ever have. But she looks chic and beautiful and it sure saves time in the shower! She has the perfect face for her new look and a darling collection of hats to match her pajama wardrobe :) She has handled this unwelcomed new experience as she has everything else -- with humor and good cheer and amazing faith and grace.
Today was her second good day in a row -- and we are really beginning to hope that the worst is over. Her counts are still as low as they can get. Over the past two days she has received transfusions of red blood cells and platelets to keep her going until her own stem cells start doing their thing - hopefully by this weekend her bone marrow will start multiplying and replenishing her body.
Our hope is that by next weekend, Gabrielle will be able to move to an apartment and finish her recuperation there. We'll keep you posted!!
We appreciate everyone's love and prayers and concern and faith. We couldn't do this without you--
Till next time... Christie (Gabrielle's Mom)


Hildie said...

Hope everything gets better from here on out. India says hello!

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear you've had TWO good days!! We'll keep praying for you and hoping that you're past the worst of it.

Kelly said...

There is nothing quite as comforting as your mom when you're feeling sick and awful. Thank you for the update, Christie.