Sunday, July 06, 2008

sick day

Well, the chemo caught up with me today. Every time I woke up last night I felt yuckier, and I felt really yucky by morning. The nurse gave me Phenergan and Benadryl which completely knocked me out. I could barely remember my name and medical record number when the nurses came in for my 2nd chemo in the morning. The patient has to say his or her name and record number and two different nurses are required to be there to verify the information is correct. I guess it would be bad to get someone else's chemo!
Anyway, I slept almost all day, and I think I'll have no trouble sleeping all night! I just finished my chemo for the night so I'm hoping I can just sleep through the nausea.
Nothing else to report. I think everything is going the way it's supposed to. I'm halfway through my chemo now, so yay!


Naomi said...

Sorry you had a bad day yesterday, Gabrielle! Do you have any weird chemo dreams in the midst of all this? Dave and I spent the weekend moving into our new apartment in UVA family housing, and while we have a bunch of boxes left to unpack and EVERYTHING left to organize, all of our stuff is now in one place and we were able to sleep, shower, and eat fairly normally this morning. And best of all, it's just a 15 minute walk to work for me! I think I'm going to really enjoy this aspect of our new house. Anyway, I'm at work so I'd better get back to things, but thank you so much for posting these descriptions of how things are going. I love you! Say hi to Ben for me, and tell him that I think he's a hero.

Rosalynde said...

I guess it would have been too easy to breeze through the chemo... but I hate thinking of you so sick. I sure hope the drugs are able to get on top of the nausea and pain. I'm glad you're able to sleep, merciful oblivion!

Love you.

Kelly said...

We sat in your row yesterday at church. It was lonely without you.

Christine said...

Hey you! We're finally back in the land of communication, so it was great to read the last 4 or 5 blogs and get updated. That has to be the most positive and uncomplaining account of chemo therapy I have ever heard. You're amazing. Of course, feel free to complain any time here, too. We're listening! And we're praying for you!

Meg said...

This is your Aunt Meg(Sharon)....although I go by Meg now. Your blog is beautiful, and I am sorry to say that I can relate to some of what you are going through, although not nearly intense. Kimberly and I have been praying for you, and hope that through this process, you will garner the strength that you need, and more importantly, that it will bring you a successful outcome and you will be blessed with health and wellness.

I don't have any other sage words, although I do know that the thoughts and prayers of those that love you will bring you through this.
Presently we are in Utah visiting sisters and hopefully my son Brad and his wife Jenny.
Your children are precious, I am sorry that time has gone by without more acquaintances.
Be well.
Meg and Kimberly Jones

Anonymous said...

I am lifting you up in prayers as you battle the nasty affects of chemo. I wish I had just the words to help you feel better...just know I'm sending you hugs from afar.

Kristi Q.

Jill T said...

Gabrielle, thanks for the updates! I'm glad you're able to sleep when you're feeling so yucky. We're praying for you and hope for the best possible outcome!

Oh, and I'm glad you posted pictures of your fun new haircut and Rachel's wedding day.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for thinking of spending time with Paul when you arrived in Houston, especially when you have so many other things to think about! We are praying for you. I know that it will not always be "easy", but I know that you will be strong enough to endure these chemo treatments. Your blog is wonderful. Tell BEN "hi." Try golf and tennis on TV. Even if you have never followed these sports...they helped me get through long hospital stays.
Love you!
Julie Early

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely inspiring! Our family has been praying and fasting for you. The kids keep asking what your name is again and I think they have resigned themselves to just calling you "mommies friend". I think being away from your kids would be difficult enough - but you take this all in stride with such cheerfulness and determination to do what you need to do. You are absolutely inspiring. I will keep checking in and I hope that the drugs let you just drift in and out of sleep during this nauseous phase. Thank you for letting me be involved.

Anonymous said...

Gabrielle - It just occurred to me that you may not know me by my married name. It's Kim (Kisacky) Lee - grew up with Rosalynde - who wrote the above comment. Sorry, I meant to put that clarification in there before I sent it.