Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Gettin' outta this joint!

Good news today! First, I'm finally able to get online and post an update myself! (this is Gabrielle).
But mostly, my white blood cell count went up to 1.0 today (up from 0.3 yesterday)! So according to that trajectory, I'm easily above 2.0 tomorrow which is the threshold for getting discharged (I keep wanting to say "released," and have to remind myself that I'm not *actually* in jail here...).
I didn't know if I could hope for discharge tomorrow, I thought maybe they'd need to see me at 2.0 or above for at least a day, and then it would be Friday and they don't discharge on the weekends, so I'd have to wait until Monday.
But the doctor came in this morning and said I could be discharged tomorrow if my counts do what they're supposed to do, and if I can drink 2 liters of water during the day. That's the hardest part! I'm still hooked up to the saline drip, although it is turned down pretty low, thank goodness. Still, though, I am really sick of the inside of the bathroom in my room. Sorry, TMI.
So tomorrow we'll be going to a local hotel, just a few blocks away. I'll have to stay there till Day +30 (30 days past the day of transplant), but then I can go HOME! And at least in the hotel, I'm not hooked up to an IV, and I can actually go some places. Even just for a drive in the car will be huge for me! I've never been so confined in my life. I've discovered I would make a horrible recluse. I need some FREEDOM!
Yesterday was a nice day. I had the discharge class in the afternoon, and then my friend Stephanie drove all the way out here to bring me some treats (Godiva chocolates... mmmm...) and a supply of really cute hats and scarves. I'm sporting a really cute blue and green scarf right now.
So, just one more night of being woken every hour for one thing or another, and then I'm outta here!
Thank you EVERYONE for all the prayers and positive thoughts. I KNOW that is why I'm getting out of here so fast. I can't WAIT to see my boys, and if I had to wait till Monday to get discharged, it would be another week before I could see them. (sorry for all the CAPS! I'm EXCITED, can you tell?!)
So, tomorrow I'll update from OUT of the hospital. Hooray!!!!!


Amy F said...

Oh, happy, happy news!! So glad... lots to be thankful for.

Most of all, the boys get to see their mother sooner than later!

Kelly said...

Great news! How sweet of Stephanie. Good luck tomorrow!

Abbie Nelson said...

Gabrielle...I've been such a baby about getting my gall bladder out. I REPENT!!
You are one tough woman...keep up the good work. I want to see a photo of you doing a cartwheel. :)
Take care, and go easy. Abbie

Naomi said...

Yea!!! This has made me happy since I heard yesterday. Maybe you can order Godiva chocolates through room service as well :).

Unknown said...

Gabrielle - what an amazing journey you have been on. You are awesome. Holding you in my heart.

Anonymous said...

I get so choked up when I think about your agressively growing counts. WOO HOO!!!!! And I just loose it even more when I imagine what it will be like for you to see the boys THIS WEEKEND!!!!! What a gift straight from Heaven.

Hugs and more hugs, my friend.

Wanda said...

Gabby, I'm so happy you've gotten released. I hope you get to see lots of greenery after you're out of there. I can't imagine how hard that was to recover with nothing to see. But even more importantly, I'm so glad you get to see your boys!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you.