Saturday, July 05, 2008

Saturday report

Ok, so day 1 of Etoposide and Cytarabine wasn't too awful. A little nausea, but I was premedicated with Zofran, so it never really kicked in. Mostly just tired. I got a copy of my lab report from this morning and my counts are going down-- all mostly now below normal, which is good! (Well, good because that's what they're supposed to be doing). I did have some issues with low blood pressure, but it didn't get too low. 80/50 I think, which is low but I have pretty low blood pressure in the first place.
I was given Lasix to try to reduce some of the water I'm retaining from all the fluids. I was 8 lbs heavier this morning from 2 mornings ago. I really hate the feeling of water retention. I had to take off my rings, my fingers were getting so fat. And my face gets all puffy. I know, I know, vanity is a little misplaced in a stem cell transplant wing of a hospital, but I mostly just hate the way it *feels*. The Lasix worked in that I was in the bathroom *literally* every 10 minutes for about 2 hours. My kidneys were actually sore, they were working so hard! But I'm attached 24/7 to the saline drip, so I think it may be a losing battle. By the way, I'm sorry if all this is TMI, just remember this is also my personal record of events. I don't have the energy to write 2 accounts, sorry!!
I didn't do much today. Finished my book, watched about 3 episodes of Law and Order (does TNT play anything BUT Law and Order?!), walked around 2 of the 4 quads on our floor, and slept. Kinda boring, but I was really tired anyway.
Ben was able to go over to the Houston Texas Mutual office and get some work done which he wasn't able to do here in the hospital. He's allowed to come and go from the hospital, as long as he wears a mask for 30 minutes after he comes back in. To prevent any "impurities" he may have inhaled from outside from getting into the air in my room.
I'm feeling in pretty good spirits. A little bored and a lot missing my boys, but so far so good.
I hope everyone has a great Sunday!


Amy F said...

Can you watch dvds there??

Way to go... the counts are going down!!

Rosalynde said...

My only experience with being hooked up to a nonstop saline drip was when I was in labor with Elena, and it was terrible! I absolutely hated it, and I got puffy and swollen just like you. So on this as well as every other pain and inconvenience, you have my complete sympathy.

By the way, are you allowed to decorate your hospital room in any way? Do you know if that's the room you'll be in for the long haul?

mom/shauna said...

We think of you often and hope everything goes well. Thank you for letting us know how you are doing. By the way, your new haircut is darling. Ron really enjoyed seeing you at the wedding.
We love you.

Rena said...

do you have the option to be cathed? I dont know if it would be worth it or not because I dont know how painful it is.??
Anyway, When I am bored, I like to keep my mind exericised by doing word searches and crossword puzzles. Maybe Ben could bring you some! I know for a fact that your brain is full of information that would be good for crossword puzzles.

Gabrielle said...

Thanks everyone!
Amy, yes, I can watch DVD's. The hospital actually has a pretty good library of videos and books, I need to send Ben down there to check it out. I'm getting pretty sick of watching Law and Order episodes!
Rosalynde, yes this is the room I'll be in for the long haul. I guess I can decorate it? I brought my digital picture frame so I can watch pictures of my boys. It's a pretty little room, but it's private so I don't care!
Rena, they want to avoid catheterization at all costs because of the risk of infection. I wish, though! I haven't slept longer than 2.5 hours at a stretch and it gets old... Every time I get up I have to unplug my IV, wind up the cord, push the pole to the bathroom, then come back, plug it back in, get back in bed, etc., etc. But still, better than being in the bathroom every hour to throw up! I brought a crossword puzzle/soduko book with me, I need to pull it out. I feel like my brain is pretty fuzzy from all the drugs, so I might be pretty pathetic, but it would be a change at least!
Shauna, it was so good to see Ron at the wedding, too. And I was beyond thrilled to hear of Jill's wonderful news!!