Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I'm here! Still here!

Yes, I am still alive and still here in Houston.
I was really sick the last couple of days, therefore no updates.
I had a really great weekend, going on a fun outing on Friday, and then a good day, although at the hospital, on Saturday. Then Sunday, for no discernible reason, I got sick again! So annoying and discouraging!
I'll give a brief update of the weekend first.
Friday my mom and I went to Ima Hogg's mansion at Buffalo Bend Bayou. It was really cool! Yes, her name really was Ima Hogg, and that was her given name, not her married name, since she never married. Her father named her after the heroine in a poem his brother wrote. When his father (Ima's grandfather) heard that he was going to name his granddaughter Ima, he immediately set out from wherever it was he lived (can't remember) to tell his son he could NOT name his daughter Ima. But it was too late, she had already been christened. Poor girl!
Anyway, she had an interesting life-- her father was the first Texas-born governor of Texas. He struck it rich in oil, and Ima always believed that inherited money is a public trust. She turned her home into a museum, with each room authentically furnished and decorated according to various periods in history. The museum is on a huge piece of land which she turned into beautiful gardens, staying true to native conditions. The gardens are absolutely beautiful! My mom got a workout pushing me along in the wheelchair on the dirt paths.
One funny story-- when we got there, we were asked to keep our purses and stuff in lockers off of the guest shop. I was attached to IV fluids at the time, carrying around this backpack with the IV pump and bag of saline. I had set my phone's alarm the day before to remind me to change the bag of fluid. Well, I changed it out before going to the museum, and totally forgot about the alarm. So right at 1 PM, my phone's alarm started going off inside my purse in the locker. The woman at the front desk was this sweet little old black lady with a walker. I'm sure she has probably never even touched a cell phone. So she hears this alarm and has no idea where it's coming from, and begins to get frightened. Was it an alarm on a bomb? She called in one of the maintenance guys as well as the security person at the front gate. They figured out it was a cell phone alarm and calmed the poor lady down. So when we come back, the cell phone is STILL alarming, and I was extremely embarrassed. At least that poor old lady will have a good story to tell!
After Ima Hogg's place, we drove out to the Houston Temple. It's a little bit of a drive, but beautiful, in a really beautiful residential area northwest of Houston. We drove around the neighborhood admiring the houses and speculating how much comparable houses would go for in Southern California!
We stopped by a Krogers which was having a grand reopening, and feasted on more samples than I've ever seen!
Saturday was a hospital/clinic day. I had to get a blood transfusion that afternoon, so we were there for a while. The whole system of getting blood products is extremely inefficient and frustrating at the hospital, I'm not sure why. I could revamp the system so it worked better for everyone! Too bad I'm not in charge.
Sunday morning I woke up not feeling too well. We got ready for church, and went to a meeting house not too far away. As soon as I got in the building, I knew I really wasn't feeling well. Luckily the restroom was right there and I was able to get to a toilet before I threw up (sorry, TMI). We just stayed for sacrament, and then went home. It was just as well, as the ward meeting at that time was a Spanish speaking ward.
So Sunday and Monday were sick days for me. I have no idea why this happens. I was feeling so good for 3 days, and then bam! Totally sick for 2 days. Couldn't even hold down water. Very annoying, because I can't hold down my medications. And it comes out of the blue, I can't figure out the cause.
Anyway, yesterday I thought for sure I'd have to be put back on IV fluids. But, the regular nurse-practitioner that I see (who is very cautious) wasn't there, and the other one I saw wasn't too worried. She said it could be the combination of medications I'm on that trigger the nausea, and as I slowly wean off some of the meds, it should get better. My blood counts went up after going down on Saturday. So I got off scot-free with no IV fluids, and no appointments until Thursday!! I was astonished.
So I had a bad night last night, but after taking benadryl and compazine last night, I woke up feeling much better. I hope I'm off the throw-up roller coaster, but I'm not holding my breath, either.
Today is Tropical Storm Edouard. The local news has been going crazy over this storm. All the newscasters have been praying it will turn into a hurricane, I can just tell. It's been all storm all the time talk. And it's turning out to be a whole lot of nothing. Lots of rain, but not THAT much, and not much wind, either. It's amusing to see the hysteria of the media, and then have the storm be such a dud. But we're staying indoors today anyway, mostly to see if I can get over this stomach stuff. I hope tomorrow I'll be doing well enough to be able to go on another outing somewhere. My poor mom I know is going absolutely stir-crazy!
So that's all the news for the past 5 days. Sorry so boring!


Christine said...

Oh man, I wish I had a magic pill for nausea that worked gaurenteed everytime. Its my most unfavorite feeling so I really empathize. I'm glad you got to go out and get some fresh air. We"ll keep our fingers crossed that the vomiting has run its course!

Anonymous said...

I think you're SUPPOSED to be resting Gabrielle?? Maybe that's why your stomach revolted on you!!