Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Well. That stunk.

I took the boys to a group tonight called "Worries and Wonders." It's a group for kids of parents with serious or chronic illnesses. The group had been recommended by a friend. I thought it would be good for the boys to see that they are not the only kids in the world with a disabled/sick mom. It is a drop-em-off deal, they feed them dinner, play games, talk, etc.
Brigham and Mosey were fine. They went right in the room and started playing games. Joseph did not. He didn't want to stay, didn't want to participate, didn't want anything to do with it. The lady in charge finally told me just to go, and she'd help Joseph along. I've worked in nursery enough to know that is often the best approach, so I left, only to have Joseph chase me out to the parking lot. The director came out there and tried to persuade Joseph to come back in, but it ended up with me driving off, watching Joseph screaming, tears rolling down his face, struggling to get out of the arms of the lady. About ripped my heart out, no kidding.
I drove just around the building and then pulled over, just to make sure Joseph didn't run out into the street or something (I know how strong he can be). One of the other moms drove by in her car, saw me pulled over, and stopped to tell me he went inside. So I left. Ben's picking them up. I hope he did ok.
Joseph is the one who needs the help more than the other two boys, and yet he's the most resistant. I don't know if this was a good idea or not. It sure felt horrible driving off.


*MARY* said...

I've never left my 3 1/2 year old son with anyone except my mom, she's the only person who he feels comfortable with. I even had to be called to serve in the nursery with him because every time I tried to leave he would panic and start throwing up. I know how heartbreaking it is to walk away while your child is reaching out and screaming for you. But this sounds like a great program, maybe it will be good for him and his brothers are there too so that helps.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hope it went well, Gabrielle. I remember doing just a couple of counseling-types of things when Jacob was sick. It wasn't traumatic, but I didn't really get what was going on, and to be honest, it didn't make much of a difference to me. But if this group does have the potential to make a difference to Joseph, I hope that he gets to the point where he feels comfortable with it...

Gabrielle said...

Mary,my every instinct was to stop the van, pull him into my arms, and tell him he did not have to go into the group. I'm not sure if my instincts were right. I generally do follow my instincts when it comes to parenting, but I think there are times when my instincts might be exactly wrong.
Ugh. Why don't children come with instruction manuals again?
Naomi, I had a session or two with a counselor, too, but I think I was a little too old to be helped by it. It didn't hurt, but didn't really help. I'm not sure it will help Joseph either. I just hate to do nothing when it seems clear he is suffering.