Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Chemistry and cooking

Did you know it is the mixture of acid and sodium bicarbonate that produces the carbon dioxide "explosion" in vinegar/baking soda volcanoes? Did you know that baking powder is a combination of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and acid salts? The addition of water activates the reaction and causes the dough to rise.
Our "experiment" today was making pumpkin raisin cookies (the soft ones) with and without the addition of baking powder and baking soda. I think the boys' expressions speak to the success of the experiment!

And Naomi? This picture is for you. My green scarf, picture courtesy of Joseph. My hair is starting to grow in a little bit, but I think I'll still be in hats and scarves for at least a few more months.


Naomi said...

Ah, thanks for the continued installments of pictures :). You look beautiful. Hey, yesterday I wore one of the Target maternity shirts that you sent me (the yellow and black one. Dave called me bumble bee a couple of times :)!

Susie said...

Hey thanks for the pictures! I did try to print them at Costco but they were an odd size and so kept coming back off center. Also if you're not planning on keeping your scarves when you're finished with them, let me know because my grandma started chemo a couple of weeks ago and will probably need some. Hope you're feeling well!
Love, Susie

Rena said...

you look beautiful! and super tiny! How does it feel to be a size zero?