Thursday, October 23, 2008

God smiles on Texas

So I was driving down I-35 yesterday afternoon (on our way to the ill-fated Wonders and Worries group) when I spotted this amazing scene. It had been dark and dreary all day, and then the clouds parted, spilling light down onto the Texas State Capitol building. I groped for my camera in my purse, turned it on, and snapped this picture. Yeah, not so safe. But it was rush-hour and we weren't going more than 25 mph, and really, how often do you see a scene like this? Darn it, that stupid light pole was right in the way when I snapped the picture. Oh well. So, everyone knows Texas is the most famous Red State. Does this mean God is a Republican?

And this is just for fun. The boys went to the dentist yesterday. No cavities and no tears, so it was a rousing success. Here's Joseph with the snake he picked from the treasure box after his appointment.


Naomi said...

The treasure box! I remember loving the rabbit foots and gaudy rings that were at our dentist's office.

Kelly said...

Nice picture. I've also snapped photos along I-35 before while in a very slow moving mode.