Sunday, October 26, 2008

scary, scary stuff


Rooby-Rooby-Rosey!! (This was a pretty expensive costume, but totally worth it to see the delight he's taken in putting it on every. single. day. since we got it 2 weeks ago.)

The brave and handsome Sir Brigham. In our mad rush getting ready, we couldn't find his sword. He was a little teary, but pulled it together and had fun anyway. He decided having two hands free meant he could carry all the more candy!

Joseph was all about the gruesome. Lovely, eh? I've told him next year we are NOT doing gross. But he is pretty sweet, you know, as far as zombies go.

And here you can see the exposed ribs and rotting internal organs that really make this costume one for a mother to be proud of. (By the way, isn't my farmer's tan super-cute?)

I think I killed Joseph with this kiss. Getting kissed in public was probably, no, definitely, the scariest part of the evening for Joseph. (On a side note, see how my hair is finally growing in? Not quite enough to go hatless (Ben says I am, but I say otherwise. When I have enough hair that my scalp isn't showing through, then I go hatless.) But for now, I have graduated from "Bald Mommy" to "Furry Mommy." Well, at least it's progress!) I failed to get a good picture of Ben. He was wearing his "This is my costume" shirt and scaring kids with the trick bowl of candy (it has a built-in-glove to put your hand in so when kids reach in for the candy, he grabbed their fingers-- it was pretty funny).

Well, from the pictures you sort of get the gist of our weekend. But here's what the rest of it involved, since I'm sure you're all dying to know:

  • The boys had TWO soccer games IN A ROW on Saturday morning. Man, that was pretty intense for those little kids. They lost one game (a very sad loss as one of our little players got carried away and accidentally scored a goal in our goal...), and tied the other, 2-2, which was thrilling for the kids, as they were down 2-0 at one point.

  • Ward Trunk-r-Treat. This entailed: 1) Getting kids costumed (of course); 2) Making two elaborate centerpieces for the dinner (the primary had told the kids they could make centerpieces if they wanted, which of course my boys did, and it involved a trip to Walmart and a few hours of labor-- I forgot to take pictures so I'll reassemble them tomorrow and take a few shots for posterity, since I know my descendants will care. A lot.); 3) I was in charge of the "Photo Booth", so I had to get all my photography stuff from upstairs and loaded into the car (and since I can't get upstairs this meant me yelling upstairs to Ben as he's rummaging through my photography things trying to determine which black fabric is the backdrop I want, what random assortment of equipment is the correct tripod and backdrop stand, which baskets and buckets I want for props, etc., etc.); and 4) Trying to get to the church by 3:30 PM. We made it by 3:55, so technically it was before the Trunk-r-Treat started. And Ben was a hero and lugged everything from the car into the church and, thanks to Mormon Standard Time, I was all set by the time little costumed people started wandering into the Primary room for photos.
  • Getting kids to bed after said Trunk-r-Treat. Sugar overload. Need I say more? Anyone with kids around Halloween knows exactly what I'm talking about. And we've got at least another week of this sugar madness.


Jill T said...

You have a good head, you could go hatless. But that is a very cute hat!

they call me mommy said...

Gabby, I love it. Your photos are so endearing, so representative, vivid, and just plain gorgeous. <3 <3 <3

they call me mommy said...

p.s. also, you're gorgeous. if you had to be bald mommy or furry mommy at all, at least you've been blessed with the beautiful bone structure to pull it off.

Kelly said...

What she said. And she said.

Christine said...

Oh my gosh, Gabrielle, you look GREAT! You just look really healthy like, I don't know, like replenished, I guess. Your face just looks so healthy and beautiful and healthy, and your arms do too, farmers tan or no!
You probably can't see it because you see yourself everyday but you really look healthy again.