Sunday, October 26, 2008

Flying practice

Oh! I forgot the biggest news of the weekend! After months and months of practice, all three boys finally mastered the art and sport of broom flying! Harry Potter, you've got competition!

Joseph was the first to master the technique.

He was whizzing around the room in no time on the traditional, but very reliable Cobweb-Catcher 1992.

Brigham wasn't too far behind. He preferred the more modern Kitchen-Cleaner 3000.

Mosey is still working on his form. He did get his feet off the ground, but we really didn't have the right size broom for a flyer of his size. We'll have to pick up a smaller model next time we go into Quality Quidditch Supplies. Hmm, I wonder if they do online sales?


they call me mommy said...


*MARY* said...

These pictures have made me a believer. They really look like they're flying.

Kelly said...

These are great. I don't dare show this to my kids or they'll be taking all the brooms out and copying the idea. They love photography when it comes to things like this. Actually, maybe I will show them. It's better than wasted time playing computer games.

Naomi said...

Gabrielle, is that really just a super fast camera and jumping boys? Those pictures of Joseph are particularly impressive.

Gabrielle said...

What? You doubt the veracity of my tale? Of COURSE they're flying, silly girl! Nothing but the best for my boys.