Friday, October 10, 2008

Mosey and Chrissy

Mosey loves Chrissy. Chrissy is learning to tolerate Mosey. She'll actually lay still and allow him to pet her without bolting.
She is a good cat, non-demanding, but good for a nice lap-snuggle late at night when I'm sitting at the computer. Chrissy is, however, a hunter.
She started with grubs (which, by the way, disintegrate into the most disgusting congealed masses of brown goo after a few hours unnoticed on my bedroom floor, Chrissy's favorite depository for captured grubs). She then moved on to grass hoppers, which are still a favorite of hers. She brings them inside still hanging on to life, with various numbers of legs missing. A merciful killer she is not.
Recently she graduated to mice. So far she's brought three of these lovely specimens into our house, two still living, and the boys have observed her catch a few others outside. Who knew we had so many mice living in our backyard? They are pretty cute little mice, and I vacillate between wanting to rescue the cute furry little things from the fangs of our killer cat, to watching in fascination as Chrissy fulfills the measure of her creation. Hey, if we really do fall into a worldwide depression and eat up all our food storage, she can catch us small birds and rodents to eat! Yummy.

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