Tuesday, January 01, 2013

New Years Day 2013

1.  Finished cleaning/organizing the garage, finally.  We are soooo close to having everything finally totally organized and put away.  Tomorrow for sure.

2.  Goodbye Christmas.  It's always a little sad, but also a little bit good to put Christmas away.  We're about half de-decorated.  Well, more than that.  Everything is taken down, but a bunch of stuff is still on the kitchen table waiting for me to put back in boxes.  I have no idea what I'm going to put on our mantel now.  Better get on Pinterest to get some ideas.  :-)

3.  The boys have been good about pitching in and getting the garage organized.  But Mosey was a bit more reluctant this evening, and after dragging his feet one too many times, ended up in his room at 7:30 with peanut butter sandwiches for dinner and instructions not to come out again.  I'm not sure it was much of a punishment for him, since I let him have his new book, but he did miss out on Mission Impossible that the rest of us watched while de-decorating the Christmas tree.

Here are a couple of pictures from today.
The new kittens have not diminished the love the boys have for Sandy.  Despite the look on her face, she really does love this.  :-)

Goodbye Christmas.  Until next year.

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