Thursday, January 10, 2013

Happy 9th Birthday to my sweet Mosey

Right after seminary, Mosey was up out of bed and rarin' to go.  He desperately wanted to open his birthday present *before* breakfast.  He's pretty sure he know what it is:

And... he's right!  Now on to his special birthday cereal.

He had a good day-- he got ahead in schoolwork over the past few days, and so was able to take the day off.  This was a good thing because I was so, so sleep deprived from seminary the past few days, that I really needed a bit of a break.
The boys played airsoft, watched x-files, played with the dog and cats, and let their mom snooze for a few minutes.  Good boys!
One more present came for Mosey around noon-- a new camera.  He's had one his uncle Jeremy gave him for a couple of years, and it was time for a new one.  Mosey was thrilled, and I was excited because he didn't have any idea about it.  He quickly got busy taking pictures and planning out movies to video with his brothers.
In the afternoon our art group friends came over, bearing cupcakes, airsoft gear, and more presents.
In the evening, Mosey got a special birthday dinner-- meatloaf, shoe-string potatoes, and brussels sprouts, and for dessert, apple pie!  That's his birthday dessert of choice.
I am so glad Mosey is my boy.  He is friendly and thoughtful and talented and creative and gentle and I love him so much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Gabrielle!

I really can't believe that sweet Mosey is now 9 years old. Well, I am Marlon from the Philippines and I follow your blog. I am always inspired of what you write, on how you face the ups and downs. And of course I love to follow your growing kids. You have such wonderful kids Gab and you did very well on raising them.
Happy Birthday to Mosey. And regards to Joseph and Brigham and Ben.

Marlon, Quezon City, Philippines

Hope you will consider me as a friend.