Monday, January 21, 2013


1. I have a new nephew! Naomi had baby Joshua this afternoon. She called last night to tell my mom her water had broken, and I ended up having anxiety dreams all night. The worst one was right before I woke up (it woke me up, actually), and in it the baby's umbilical cord had gotten compressed during labor, but they didn't realize it until it was too late. It was an awful dream. Too realistic. Anyway, I woke up, sat up, grabbed my phone, and texted Dave (Naomi's husband) to make sure everything was ok. It was, but all morning I kept having recurring thoughts about this awful dream, so after church I called her. She was still fine, but I just had to tell her my dream on the infinitesimally small chance that my dream was some kind of warning. I've had those dreams before. Then I felt like a jerk for talking about her baby dying as she is literally in the middle of labor! Oh well, you can't win sometimes. Anyway, all's well that ends well, and she had a perfect, healthy baby just three hours after I talked to her (and after a medication-free delivery!). I am so proud of her and so happy to have another nephew!
2. Christian gave his homecoming talk in church today. He is a great speaker and seeing the transformation in him is so wonderful. He is inspiring, and it has been so great to spend some uninterrupted time with him this weekend.
3. At church I saw Todd Reynolds, someone in my high school class a million years ago. I'm pretty sure I haven't seen him since graduation. We weren't at all in the same social circle, but I knew him. He now has a 12 year old daughter (and three other kids). Now, I have two eleven year olds so this should come as no shock to me, but I guess since I haven't seen him since high school and I'm here without my kids, it just struck me as a little surreal, as if we were just playing at being grown-ups or something. Of course I was there listening to my brother give his missionary homecoming talk--the same brother who was just two years old when I graduated from high school. I guess the swift passage of time will never stop surprising me.

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