Sunday, December 09, 2012


1.  We went to Main Street Bethlehem in Burnet tonight.  This is the third year we've gone, and by far the easiest since some friends of our went early to stand in line, and so we just showed up, joined them in line, waited about 10 minutes, and in we went!  I love that my boys like doing this.  Ben was able to come, too, since he got back from his trip to San Antonio literally as we were backing out of the driveway.

2.  After Main Street Bethlehem, we drove down to Marble Falls to see a light display they have there.  Mosey brought his airsoft rifle (unloaded), and while we forbade him from taking into Bethlehem, he did manage to take it out of the car in Marble Falls without us noticing.  This kid knows how to be inappropriate-- snakes in church and guns at Christmas light displays.  :-)

3.  Not much for #3 tonight-- the rest of the day was pretty run-of-the-mill.

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