Friday, December 07, 2012


1.  We had a late morning this morning because of the late night last night!  But, everyone was in a relatively good mood, so no harm done.

2.  Ben had a white elephant gift exchange at his work today.  Ben is a really creative guy.  He's given some pretty great white elephant gifts in the past, but outdid  himself today.  Last weekend when we did family pictures, I snapped some silly pictures of him posing with Mosey's stuffed animal snake.  Ben printed one of them up, put it in a fancy frame, and apparently that was the hit of the white elephant exchange-- the one gift everyone kept trying to trade for.  Ha!!
So of course I have to post the picture!  (That's not the actual frame we used, but I found it online to show the general effect.)
He signed his name at the bottom and I'm sure it is destined to someday be worth a fortune.  :-)

3.  Mosey's new airsoft gun came today!!  He used his first full goblet of jewels to partially pay for this new air rifle.  He ordered it last week, and has been obsessively, and I mean OBSESSIVELY checking the tracking on it ever since.  I'm serious, he has been checking the tracking multiple, multiple times a day for the past week.  We've had untold numbers of conversations about how long it might take the company to get the gun packaged up and shipped out of the warehouse, how long a truck might take to drive from California to Texas, if the delivery truck might take it from Ft. Worth to Austin overnight, or if it would stay in Ft. Worth over night, how long it might take the delivery truck to drive from the warehouse where they pick up their deliveries for the day to our house.  It got to the point where I had to tell him that he wasn't allowed to look at the tracking again, or say another word about it, or I'd take the package as soon as it arrived and lock it in Ben's closet!  :-)  This morning he woke up and went straight to the computer and squealed with joy when he saw it said, "Out for delivery."  He did as much schoolwork as he could out in the front yard this morning, jumping up to look down the street whenever he thought he heard a truck drive by.  So to say he was excited when the package finally came is a bit of an understatement.  :-) 

4.  For our Christmas related activity today we made cookies with our art group.

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