Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Two funny exchanges

On Saturday afternoon I took the boys to the school playground. They played together really well. Mosey was exhausted (up crazy late the night before), and after a while came back to the car and fell asleep. I ran him back home (less than 2 minutes away), and went back to the park. I sat there feeling warm, tender, motherly feelings about how lucky I was that my two boys loved each other so much and played together so well.
Naturally right about the time I was thinking this, Brigham came running up the car, crying, with Joseph coming right after him.
Finally I managed to get the story of what happened. Joseph wanted to play a game, but Brigham thought it was "a stupid game." I told Brigham that he didn't have to play Joseph's game if he didn't want to, but Brigham said that Joseph just kept telling him everything he was doing was wrong. Brigham does tend to get really uptight about stuff like this, but Joseph can also be pretty overbearing.
I asked Joseph what the game was, and he said, "Well, it's too hard to explain all at once." So I asked him how could Brigham know how to play the game if he couldn't explain the rules? Joseph answered, "Well, I just tell him whenever he's doing something wrong!"
LOL!! No wonder Brigham thought it was a "stupid game."
I told Joseph that no one wants to play a game when they don't know the rules and someone is always telling them what to do, or telling them they're doing it wrong.

But Brigham was still very upset. Brigham also has the tendency, when he is upset, to blame anything and everything on someone else. So this was the next exchange between the two of them:
Brigham (to Joseph): "You made me hurt myself!"
Joseph: "How did I make you hurt yourself?"
Brigham: "You made me get a sliver!"
Joseph (incredulous): "How did I make you get a sliver?"
Brigham: "You made me mad and when I get mad I rub my hands on things and when I rub my hands on things I get a sliver!"
Joseph (disgusted): "I didn't make you mad, you made yourself mad! You are in charge of if you get mad or not!" (Glad at least some things I say over and over to the boys sinks in!)

Ha ha ha!! Good lesson for mom not to let her head get too big...

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