Tuesday, October 02, 2012


1.  First day of October.  It suddenly feels like fall out there.  I didn't wake up until 8:00, so we had a late start to the morning, and subsequently didn't finish all our lessons.  I need to find a way to make the boys more accountable for finishing their own work so that I'm not the one constantly asking them what they should be working on.  I know they can work faster if they want to.

2.  Orchestra and archery tonight.  Brigham had chair auditions.  He was the first one to play, and wasn't happy about it.  The auditioner tuned his violin flat, which was really distracting to him.  The curse of having perfect pitch I guess.  So he said he forgot his dynamics and staccatos, but if he hadn't been first, he could have been perfect.  I tried hard to tell him how chair auditions don't matter-- they are purely for the information of the conductor and are no reflection on him at all!  But this point I think is wasted on my perfectionist.  I tried to tell him about saving his angst for when it matters, but for Brigham I think it all matters all the time.  How I wish I could help him with this.
Joseph had fun at archery and came home with an application for his first tournament in November.  Time to buy a bow.  Ben wants him to buy his own bow, but he's a little low on cash now, after buying his bike.  What to do?

3.  Hair cuts for the boys tonight.  Joseph let me cut his hair short!  (In exchange for the last can of soda in the fridge).  He looks handsome, although midway through the haircut, he cried a few tears saying it hurt.  Maybe he really does have nerve endings in his hair?  I don't think I'm pulling his hair!

4. Ben was looking at realclearpolitics.com while I was cutting the boys' hair, and discussing with them the various polls.  I just can't take the anxiety.  I seriously wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep.  I had to put my ipod earphones in while they talked about it.  There must be something wrong with me.

5.  We're going to Utah tomorrow!  We'll attempt lessons before we have to leave for our flight in the afternoon, but I'm guessing not a whole lot will get accomplished.  Maybe we'll just work on finishing what didn't get done today.

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