Sunday, October 21, 2012


1.  The boys played in their Halloween recital today.  It's for students only, so I didn't get to hear it.  Brigham and Mosey got into a tiff just before we had to leave (over a nerf gun battle, apparently), and Mosey got mad and said he wasn't going to go to the recital.  I had to send Ben to do a bit of fatherly-persuasion.  Brigham and Joseph played a duet-- Ghost Waltz, I think.  They sound great on it, even though Joseph has been protesting mightily over the past two weeks, not wanting to play it.  I think he was won-over, though, when they pulled it together-- they sound great!

2.  The boys did chores today.  I made very detailed lists for each boy, in the hopes of preventing some of the bickering that usually happens during chores.  The playroom is typically a problem since they have to work together.  This time I closely examined the playroom and wrote down exactly what each boy needed to do so there would be no confusion or temptation to protest that someone wasn't doing their fair-share.  Well, it sort of worked, but bickering seems to be part-and-parcel with chores around here.  Sigh...

3.  It is Stake conference this weekend, so Ben spent the afternoon in meetings.  I went to the adult session tonight by myself so that he could squeeze in some study time-- actuary exam coming up in 10 days!  Elder Nash is here from the Seventy and led a good discussion about raising children to understand faith and repentance.  The whole meeting was good with an especially great talk by our old bishop's wife.  I came away with some ideas for our family which I am going to try to implement immediately.  I ended the evening with a trip to Walmart (always my favorite place to be at 11:00 PM!), and then home.

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