Monday, October 08, 2012


1. Ben went with his dad to do a bunch of dental stuff. It's nice to have a dentist dad. :-)

2. In the afternoon, the boys and I drove up to salt lake city to visit some friends who moved there from Austin a few months ago. Utah is a really fun place to grow up because there are just so many kids. Jacob (the boys' friend) has a regular air soft gun game every Friday afternoon with a bunch of boys in the neighborhood. Brigham joined right in with an extra gun and goggles. He is fearless. Joseph and Mosey opted to watch, which was definitely the less painful option. :-) Although on the way back, Brigham talked it up so much that Mosey was sad he hadn't played too. Looking at the welts on Brigham's arms, though, I still think Mosey made the right call.

3. In the evening, we hung out at the Turner's house. Ben's brother came over with his boys and everyone watched the BYU game-- at least until I made my boys go to bed.

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