Thursday, July 05, 2012


1.  Independence Day!  I woke up to find Mosey snuggling up to me in my bed.  He had been feeling sick the night before, and fell asleep in my room.  Mosey is a super-good snuggler.  Ben had the day off of work, so we all ate breakfast together as a family it was great.

2.  After breakfast we stopped off at Target to get a prescription, and so Joseph could quickly look through the bikes they have there.  None of them fit what Joseph is hoping for.
After that we drove down to Pflugerville to the shooting range.  But it was 11:00 when we got there, and there was already a long line of people waiting to shoot, and we decided to postpone it until Saturday when Ben has more time.

3.  We stopped by the other house again so that the other boys could look at it.  I sure wish it were about $50,000 cheaper!

4.  At home, everyone needed to pitch in and CLEAN UP.  Sadly, it ended up mostly in frustration.  I would so love my boys to work happily WITH each other, but instead things deteriorate rapidly with various children whining, bossing, complaining that they're doing more work than anyone else, and pretty much driving me crazy.  I'm going to have to give each child individual, detailed instructions for every job around the house, and try to make sure they are equivalent jobs so that, if each boy finishes his job, it really will be an equal division of labor.  But why oh why can't they simply work TOGETHER.  Every boy do his part!

5.  We had some friends come over for swimming and a late lunch.  It's so much more fun to celebrate WITH other people!  Even though their kids are a lot younger than mine, I think it was still more fun for them than swimming on their own.  We had brisket, hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, watermelon, and salad.  I always over eat on the 4th of July...

6.  In the evening we went to the Austin Symphony concert in the park and fireworks display.  There were no fireworks at all last year because of the drought, so it was nice to come back this year.  Joseph and Ben wandered the park for quite a while, people watching.  Apparently there are around 100,000 people that go to the fireworks show.  Crazy to see that many people crowded together.  We were there a couple of hours before the concert started, and managed to get a good spot on the grass just in front of the hill where the orchestra performed.  Joseph explored, Brigham read his book, and Mosey played with his Dragons.  Ben worked on his laptop (after coming back with Joseph) and I tried to stay cool (brought my cooling packs, but it was still in the 90's and plenty hot).  I did some people watching, too.  Whenever I see a lot of people together, I'm always amazed at how well so many different kinds of people can WALK.  Sounds obvious, but being in a wheelchair in a sea of walking humanity makes me, I don't know, just notice more.  And I noticed how the woman with the little poodle sitting behind us was wearing a t-shirt that said "MEXICO."  That made me laugh.  Was that on purpose?  How could it have been a mistake?  But if it was on purpose, why?  Or, if she's the kind of person that feels compelled to wear a "MEXICO" shirt on the 4th of July, why was she also at the giant fireworks celebration of the USA?  Sometimes people are confusing.  :-)  The symphony was really nice, and the fireworks were great.  It still took us forever to get home, though-- almost an hour!  There needs to be a better system for exiting the Long Center parking garage.  But while we were waiting, we read the Declaration of Independence (and talked about what it meant-- the 18th century style of writing isn't the easiest for our poor 21st Century brains to understand).
When we finally got home, it was time for rootbeer floats and BED!

Here are some obligatory fireworks shots.  We had fun!

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