Sunday, July 01, 2012


1.  Joseph had archery this morning and did great!  He won the shoot-off again this morning (2 other kids also tied) and got a bag of m&m's. 

2.  After taking Joseph home, I went to my friend Melissa's house to help her take some pictures of her brand-new baby.  She wanted some pictures with her in them!  She is a photographer herself, and so is usually behind the camera.  I know the feeling.  I have very few pictures of me and my boys, and even fewer of me with my babies...  :-(
Anyway, I love taking newborn pictures.  I love newborns!  As usual, it took about 2 1/2 hours to get the baby sleepy and happy, and to get the shots we wanted.  Taking pictures is one of the times I most wish I had my legs back.  But, I think we got some great shots anyway.  I'm giving Melissa a DVD with all the raw shots, so she can do her own editing.  But I couldn't resist playing with a few of my favorites.  Here are two.

Yes, this one isn't with her mama, but she was SO zonked out at the end of the session that we couldn't resist some cutie shots like this.  :-)

3.  When I got home, Ben and the boys had been working HARD!  Ben and Brigham had gone to help with a move, and then to another woman's house in our ward to help fix her sink.  THEN Ben came home and supervised the boys in cleaning the house!  The upstairs got vacuumed, the downstairs got vacuumed and mopped, the toilets got cleaned, the dishwasher was unloaded and loaded, it was amazing! 

4.  I took Joseph and Mosey shopping at Walmart and HEB (exciting), and they were good helpers.  Mosey bought another dragon.  I think he's got all of the dragons in the dragon universe collection, now!  It is his money, so I let him make his own decisions.  I do make him wait several days before buying something, which has paid off several times when he's gone home and changed his mind. 
It was the first time I'd been to the grocery store on a Saturday before about 11:00 at night in a long time!

5.  When we got home, Joseph wrote a charming poem.  It goes like this:

The Dead keep their promises.
The Dead keep their word.
The Dead hold people's promises.
The Dead hold you to your word.
The Dead will not be tricked.
The Dead will not be cheated.
The Dead's wrath falls upon the traitor of Death.
The Dead want you.

Isn't that uplifting?  :-)  I would be worried, except that Joseph is actually a very nice boy who is happy nearly all of the time.  Except when I'm handing out chores.  :-)  I'm thinking this is fairly normal almost-eleven-year-old-boy stuff, right?  Right??  He's also taken to drawing pictures of skulls in dry erase marker on the kitchen windows.  One of them had a speech bubble that said, "Hi mom!"  :-)

6.  We ate pizza and watched two more episodes of 24 over dinner, and then it was time for bed!   

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