Thursday, February 25, 2010

shameful victory

The boys' Blue and Gold Banquet was tonight. They're not *quite* done with their Wolf requirements yet (almost!), but the lure of a daddy-son cake contest proved irresistible, so we went.
It is the 100 year birthday of the Boy Scouts, and the boys' first idea was to make a cake in the shape of a 100, but when our pan sizes didn't look promising, we turned to the internet for some ideas. One look at this kitty litter cake and the boys were hooked.
The boys made it almost entirely themselves, with only minimal direction from me in the cake-baking, and from Ben in the assembling and decorating. It was ridiculously easy to make (buy a NEW cat litter box and scooper, bake and crumble up a cake, mix with vanilla pudding, crush vanilla sandwich cookies to put on top, and decorate liberally with softened and strategically shaped tootsie rolls), and oh-so-disgusting to look at.
The cake won the popular vote for best cake, which I suppose was almost a foregone conclusion considering the voting demographic of 8-11 year old boys. I felt bad, honestly, because there were some very well-done cake designs that obviously took way more work and skill than this one (like the cake behind ours in the first picture). Ah, well, what can you do?

Isn't it just positively revolting to look at?

Joseph and Brigham showing off their masterpiece.

Joseph eating a tootsie-roll cat turd (sorry, I know, so gross).

I figure, there's really no other place a cake like that can be appreciated other than at a party for little boys, right? :-)


Jen said...

I've seen these before...only little boys could get past the looks of it to actually eat it. I bet they LOVED making it.

Mama said...

OK -- tat is the MOST disgusting thing I have ever seen!!! But so creative and unforgettable -- yes, you deserved 1st place :) Just wondering -- did any adults eat any of it? Not sure I would ever be able to stomach it!

Christian Jacob Frandsen said...

Oh my goodness that is particularly gross. Wow that just looks TOO real...