Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Need... More... Time!!!

It is 10:55 PM, 25 minutes after I should be in bed. I promise I haven't been wasting time! I sent two emails, worked on some Relief Society stuff, and here it is, so late already. I still have to clean up the kitchen. I have 4 loads of clean laundry waiting to be folded and put away. The floor needs to be swept. The mail from the last few days is piled up on my desk waiting to be sorted. And no extra time in the foreseeable future to be able to accomplish these things...
Why haven't humans evolved to survive on 4 hours of sleep? It would make my life so much easier!


Mama said...

Save some of that stuff for me to do!!! We'll be in Austin a week from tomorrow - YAY!!

Dustin, Bohde said...

Yesh I know how you feel even tho I'm a teen and a boy but know how you feel.