Tuesday, February 02, 2010


Poor Brigham has conjunctivitis in both eyes. Started yesterday, and by this morning both eyes were swollen and red. So the morning was spent at the Urgent Care getting a prescription, and the rest of the day giving eye drops and reminding the boys to all Purell their hands every 10 minutes or so. I wonder what are the chances of the other two being spared?


Mama said...

Uhhh -- your chances are nil. But miracles happen.

Jen said...

So sorry to hear you have pink eye there! Bummer...we've never had luck keeping everyone from getting it, but there's a first time for everything.

conjunctivitis symptoms said...

Pink eye is an infection or inflammation of the conjunctiva mostly because of some form of allergic reaction or infection. Bacterial and viral pinkeye are
exceedingly transmittable. Allergic and chemical pink eye are non-contagious. There are many symptoms which include reddish eyes, eye lid inflammation,
blurry eye sight, watery eye emission, eyelids get matted.