Monday, January 25, 2010

Obnoxious braggy post

Please skip if you hate braggy mommy posts. But this is something I'll want to remember, so here goes.
I've been testing Mosey for spelling, to see what level to start him out at. We use a spelling program called "Spelling Power." There are a couple of pre-tests to pinpoint exactly where to start a child so as not to waste his time, but not be too challenging. Mosey is not very comfortable writing yet (i.e., he HATES writing-- I think he would rather have his fingernails pulled out), so we did all these spelling tests verbally. He took the first test, which led us to a more finely tuned second test, which then led us to exactly which study level to start at.
Here are some words which he spelled correctly, verbally (which is much harder, for me at least, than writing them down): garage, color, answer, bakeries, phone, soup, fence, there's, when, apple, dollar, planet, threw, become.
He's starting out at study level D, roughly corresponding to late 4th grade spelling. He's starting out 2 levels beyond where Brigham is, and only 1 behind Joseph.
He's a certified spelling genius!! :-) Well, I don't know about certified. I made that up. But still! I'm impressed! He's a kindergartner!
Now, I am quite sure that precociousness in spelling is NOT an accurate predictor of anything other than being a good speller. LOL! And as far as I know, good spelling is not correlated to future success in anything. I doubt it's even particularly correlated to IQ. But still, I get a kick out of his spelling prowess.
Brigham is also improving on his spelling. He still prefers the phonetic spelling to just about anything, but he's getting better! :-)
(And Brigham is my math boy. He figured out equivalent fractions and finding common denominators BY HIMSELF! Which I think cancels out his spelling challenges).
(And I have to say, since he frequently spies on my blog, Joseph is really awfully smart, too! He is my most common sensical child, and catches on to concepts really fast. He has a phenomenal memory. When we're reading history, and I'm struggling to remember something about what we read several months ago, or last year even, I just have to ask him, and he can spout off whatever it was that I had forgotten about Charles Martel, or Suleiman, or Samuel Champlain. He puts me to shame.)
There. Mommy bragging over. For now.


Mama said...

This Grandma LOVES braggy mommy posts :) Don't be shy - I'm not! Yes, it's true -- I have the smartest, most wonderful grandchildren in the world!! Maybe we have a National Spelling Bee Champion in the making!!

Anonymous said...

Yay Mosey!
Hey...just wanted to say...I'm reading Boys Adrift, and loving it! I'm balancing my reading between that and The Out-of-Sync Child...b'cause they are both SO good. Thanks for the info! :)

Rosalynde said...

That little smarty! I happen to be a very good speller (although I was not a prodigy like Mosey), so I for one firmly believe that good spelling is associated with high intelligence. :)

Jack's reading has progressed so quickly in kindergarten, and his writing is really quite good too. But his spelling is still faithfully phonetic. But that doesn't stop him from tackling even the most difficult words, and the results are so funny. He loves to make little information books about various animals, with pictures and text---the sophistication of his knowledge about the animals is such a mismatch with his spelling, it really makes me laugh. Just because it's funny, here's an excerpt from a book he made about sharks: "Shreks don't hav bons like us. Insted thae have bons made of a muteerl cold codulige. Shacks are akchint creechrs. Sum siintistse theeingc rays are just flatind shacks."

Jill T said...

I think that's definitely worth a blog post! :)

Hildie said...

I'm a super-speller too. I think it's one of those things you're either born with or not. But I can't do any math at all. Not that I care . . . .

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