Sunday, January 24, 2010


One of my goals this homeschool semester, is to give my boys more outdoor time. They spend lots of time in the backyard, but I want them to have more "wilderness" kinds of experiences (well, as close to wilderness as you can get around here).
Lake Travis is just up the road from us, and there is a park on the lake that we love. Well, it's not really "on" the lake just now, since the lake is still so far down because of the drought we are just getting out of. So it's a park on what used to be the shore of the lake. It's nice, actually, because the boys can follow the stream pretty far down as it winds its way to the lake. The stream makes a pond where there are fish and frogs and hibernating snakes under rocks. There are huge oak trees to climb and sticks to gather and interesting rocks and plants. Good wildernessy sorts of stuff.
So we went there on Wednesday after art. Brigham climbed higher in a tree than he ever has before (he's my climber), and even Mosey got brave and climbed up pretty high. Makes me a bit nervous since if they fell, it would be pretty hard for me to get them to the car myself. But the lake is not far away and I figure I can always call someone for help if I need it, or call 911 if it's an emergency. I'm not going to deprive my boys of being little boys just because of my disability. I watch them the whole time and yell "Be careful!" about 10 times a minute.
Joseph is my animal lover, and always finds bugs and snakes and other critters. He brought Mister this day to explore with him. He also brought a bug net he bought with his own money a couple of weeks ago. He caught several minnows, put them in an old beer bottle he found, and we brought them home to join our goldfish in his bowl. Cool! I wonder how big they grow?

1 comment:

Mama said...

You make even an old beer bottle look beautiful! And it works way better than styrofoam cups -- remember our polliwog holocaust at that Girl Scout encampment?? Keep us updated on their progress (the boys and the minnows:))