Wednesday, January 13, 2010

These books have changed my life

I read two books over the Christmas break which I believe have changed my life. They are both by Dr. Leonard Sax, a psychologist and pediatrician. They are not long, and so interesting, I just inhaled both of them.
The first is called Why Gender Matters: What Parents and Teachers Need to Know about the Emerging Science of Sex Differences. It is absolutely fascinating, and a book I think everyone should read, not just teachers and parents. I think it has huge implications for every part of our society.
The second is called Boys Adrift: The Five Factors Driving the Growing Epidemic of Unmotivated Boys and Underachieving Young Men. In my opinion, this is mandatory reading for every parent of boys.
I can't remember where I read a recommendation for these books, but I'm sure glad I did. I am changing some of the ways I am homeschooling my boys. I feel like I understand my boys so much better than I did. I was so worried I was doing something wrong because my boys aren't motivated by the same things I was motivated by as a kid. Now I am not so worried, and also I can see so much more clearly how they are motivated, and what I can do to capitalize on these ways.
I'm also pretty scared for the future of Western society. Sound melodramatic? Go buy these books, and you'll be as scared as I am.
The Family: A Proclamation to the World
states, "Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose." This was written in 1995. Now go read these books, written 10 years later, and you'll see how important and prophetic that statement really is.
Go buy both of them right now. They are worth owning. And lending to all your friends.
You can buy Why Gender Matters here.
And Boys Adrift here.


Mama said...

I have felt for a long time that gender blurring is really the genesis of all the ills that are destroying our world. I will read these books! I hope it's not too late to repair all the damage done...

Anonymous said...

Thanks SO much for recommending those books. I read the beginning of Boys Adrift on Amazon...I'm totally buying it.
Most things I read are colored with a bit of cynicism because while they might relate to most boys, my oldest has issues that aren't generally addressed.
But, this seems right up my ally.
Thankfully we've been addressing his issues for years already (yay, early intervention) so there was never talk of ADHD, or if there was I spiked that ball so hard they don't bring it up again.

Anonymous said...

Oh...and of COURSE you have to bring up gender blurring the day after I signed two of my boys up for ballet class. :)

Christian Jacob Frandsen said...

Nelsonturf, I don't know you, but let me say that dance classes are a perfectly masculine thing for a boy to do, as long as you balance it out with other more traditionally "guy" things. The skills your sons will learn in Ballet will help them with everything. Discipline, concentration, and the ability to take correction will help with academics, and the coordination will help with sports if that's what they choose to focus on later on. Good for you for signing them up :-)

Anonymous said...

Ahh were just a wee little speck when my family moved out of LC. :)
I totally agree that ballet will be a positive experience for my boys! Thanks for the vote of confidence!