Tuesday, January 19, 2010


We got rear-ended on the way home from horseback riding lessons. Just like last spring! Actually, it was a lot harder than last spring. We were turning right from a 60 mph road onto another 60 mph road (gotta love TX speed limits), and so the person behind us was coming pretty fast. I was stopped, waiting for traffic to clear so I could turn right. The car behind me (big white Expedition-- that also made for a bigger crash than the small sedan that hit us last year), saw that the light had changed to green. I couldn't see the light since I was already partly turned right, waiting to merge into traffic. For some reason, she just didn't see us. So she didn't really slow down much, because she knew she could go ahead and turn right, since the light was green. Anyway, we got a huge bump, and I turned into the gas station there on the corner.
The lady was pretty shaken up, she had never been in any kind of car accident before (surprising!).
Our bumper and back doors on the van are pretty well smashed in.
The boys and I are all fine, just some sore necks.
The biggest pain about this (aside from our necks), is that since I can now only drive with hand controls, I won't have a car while the van is being fixed. Annoying!! Unless there are hand-control rentals available, which I kind of doubt.
Funny thing is, last night on our way home from the computer store, Ben and I were talking about driving and how it is by far the most dangerous thing we do every day of our lives. And next day, we're in a wreck!!
My boys are awfully young to have been in 2 wrecks! But I will take any number of minor, non-injury wrecks if they can be spared a bad one.


Rosalynde said...

Yiiiiiiikes! Oh no, I'm so sorry. What bad luck! I'm so glad that nothing worse happened, but still, that's scary and no fun. :(

Dan and Merideth said...

Oh man! thats rough!

Mama said...

Maybe this will make such a deep impression on your boys that by the time they turn 16, they'll remember what a dangerous activity driving is. Every once in a while, when I think about what it is we are actually doing, driving at break-neck speeds in these massive projectiles, it just scares me to death! I do believe we are protected by angels more times that we know. I am SO GLAD it wasn't any worse.