Saturday, January 02, 2010

Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010!!

New Years Eve was a great ending to 2009.

We roasted hotdogs and marshmallows in our fireplace, ate Cheetos and Doritos and s'mores, drank rootbeer floats and sparkling grape juice, and of course destroyed the gingerbread house. Awesome!

Brigham liked the s'mores better than anyone else. Graham cracker, chocolate, marshmallow, more chocolate, graham cracker. Yum!

Mosey's marshmallow aflame. It was more fun burning them than eating them.

Mosey had a BigRed float. I didn't realize Big Red was caffeinated. Mosey *just about* made it till midnight as a result. Oops!

Pyromaniacs in the making.

Another marshmallow up in flames!

Joseph is rosy-cheeked from the fire.

Joseph's two favorite stuffed animals right now-- A Webkinz raccoon named Rascal and his black panther named Diablo Gato, both Christmas presents.

Our Christmas tree this year. Ben and the boys did it all! Picked it out, set it up, put on the lights, put on the decorations (that was entirely the boys, I think). They did a good job! We'll never win awards for the most artfully decorated tree, but I love how much fun they had together.

Mister dancing with Ben. I love his expression: "Please, somebody, get me away from this crazy man!"

The highlight of the night was, of course, the destruction of the gingerbread house. At least half of my kitchen implements were used, and a great big mess was made. Little boy heaven.
Look at the mischief in those eyes!

Our gingerbread house before the destruction

Joseph used the garlic press to crush bigger pieces into powder.

Brigham used the meat tenderizer with abandon.

Then it was Mosey's turn. I tried to remind them about every 5 seconds to use the flat side!

Adding a potato masher into the mix.

The funnel was another great tool!

Taking a break to nibble on the rubble.

The final result-- A fantastic scene of chaos and destruction. They devised some sort of narrative to go with it-- something about a bomb and terrorists and policemen and firemen.


Rosalynde said...

You are a nicer mom than I! I don't think I could deal with the chaos and mess of the house destruction---but how much fun for your boys!

I like having Chinese food on NYE, but I need to find a good occasion to work in the hot dog roasting tradition...

Mama said...

So much fun!! We didn't roast hot dogs this year due to our Olive Garden outing -- so we need to find a time too. Maybe Martin Luther King birthday :) And you are a WAY better mom than I am too -- but then you have Mister to lick it all up, right? :)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!