Thursday, December 09, 2010

funny faces

I don't have much to write tonight.  I'm just too tired by the time I have a minute to sit at the computer to think coherently.  I'm looking forward to Christmas vacation.  I'm giving the boys the same number of vacation days that the public school kids get, and I'm hoping to get a lot done.  A lot of my own stuff done.  :-)  Like all the photos I took from our vacation in August and from our trip to Florida a month ago.  Here are three that I took at a park near our old house.  The "rock climbing" park as we used to call it.  I took pictures of Brigham and Joseph against a white fence there-- the same fence where I took their 4-year-old portraits, so I could compare them side-by-side, 5 years later.  But these are outtakes-- the promised silly shots if they would give me some smiles.

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