Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Someday the boys will be grown up and moved out and I'm going to have way too much time on my hands.  So, to the future me who may someday be reading this, here's what I have been doing the past two days.  This is representative of most week days.
6:20-7:00 AM:  Alarm goes off, I stumble out of bed after a refreshing 5 1/2 hours of sleep and get ready for the day.
7:00-8:00 AM:  I call the boys downstairs, make breakfast, have scripture study, and supervise morning chores.
8:00 AM - 2:45 PM:  Lessons.  There is not a breath of free time for me during these hours.  I go from one boy to another getting them organized, answering questions, reading to them, teaching lessons, listening to practicing (I've been working really hard on letting them practice independently, but that doesn't mean I can't call out from the other room, "Left hand goes to the B flat right there!"), checking assignments, correcting math, etc., etc., etc.  I make lunch around 12, and we usually go over Greek and Latin roots during lunch, so no breather there, either.
2:45-3:00 PM:  Get ready for Cub Scouts.  Search the house for cub scout shirts, kerchiefs, slides, books, and the collections they needed to bring.
3:00-5:15 PM:  Drive to Steiner Ranch, drop off Brigham and Joseph at Scouts, drive back up 620 to Walmart for a quick grocery run, manage to get in the WRONG checkout line (soooo sloooow), and then behind the most cautious driver in the universe who stops BEFORE the light even turns yellow, but still manage to pick up the boys before it was too late, and then brave the after-5:00 traffic down 620 to Anderson Mill.
5:15-7:00 PM:  Unload groceries, and then back into the van to drive down to Alpha Music to pick up the boys' Suzuki violin book and try to find Halloween music for the piano Halloween recital coming up next month, and then enjoy rush hour traffic coming back up 183.
7:00 PM-9:30 PM:  Fix dinner.  Practice violin with Mosey and Brigham.  I need to do this separately because Mosey is self-conscious and doesn't like to practice with Brigham right there.  Supervise baths and bedtime.  Have a good and much-needed heart-to-heart with Joseph.
9:30 PM-12:53 AM:  Finally put away groceries, clean up dinner, organize and put away school stuff, fold laundry, put away laundry, start more laundry, do some Relief Society work, and finally get ready for bed and then lay there trying to fall asleep, my mind racing despite being completely exhausted.  12:53 glowed on my alarm clock the last time I opened my eyes to check the time.

6:20 AM-2:30 PM:  Same as yesterday, except that I got a refreshing 6 1/2 hours of sleep (probably).  That's an improvement.
2:30-3:00 PM:  Get all the school stuff organized and put away.  Make rice crispy treats.
3:00-5:15 PM:  Teach art class, supervise 9 kids running around with swords and guns.  No blood or tears resulted, so all was good.
5:15-7:00 PM:  Take Joseph to swimming lessons (first day).  Take the Anderson boys back to our house to retrieve forgotten shoes.  Take Brigham and Anderson boys to their house to continue playing with swords and guns.  Go back to swimming lessons with Mosey.  After swimming lessons, get back in the van, drive back to the Andersons' house to pick up Brigham, red-faced and sweaty after playing with swords and guns for the past 2 hours.  Drive back to the pool so that Mosey could search fruitlessly for his missing watch (although he did find it in the car after we got home--that boy probably spends 30% of his waking hours searching for misplaced but dearly beloved objects).  Finally drive home.
7:00-9:00 PM:  Fix dinner.  Supervise violin practicing.  Take Joseph to go get more crickets for Spots at the pet store.  Supervise house clean-up.  Our cleaners come tomorrow so that means everything has to get picked up tonight.
9:00-10:15 PM:  Get new crickets situated in cricket cage and feed Spots.  Sweep the floor in the kitchen.  Yes, I know cleaners are coming tomorrow, but dirty floors are the bane of my existence.  Sit down to check email and write ridiculous blog posts chronicling my blessed (though busy) life.
Still to do tonight:  Fold laundry, put away laundry, personal scripture study, and, hopefully, sleep.  :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Phew! I'm exhausted just reading this. I don't know how you do it girl!