Wednesday, September 15, 2010


We had art at our house again this afternoon.  Fun times with 8 little boys and one girl.  Natasha is awesome.  She totally holds her own with the boys.  After their lesson they ran around and played for 15 minutes or so.  She was running around with two light sabers and a gun strapped to her side.  My kinda girl!
Later, as I was driving two of them home, all five boys were sitting in the back of the van.  Brigham said, "You want to know something reeeaaally disgusting about our van?"  Umm, yes, they are boys, of course they want to know.  So he proceeded to tell them all about the cockroaches in the air conditioning vents.  Four years ago, when we were in Florida, we somehow managed to get some cockroaches in the air conditioning vents.  I'm not sure if they were blown or simply were trying to escape, but some of them managed to die just inside the vents along the back of the van.  Yes, very disgusting.  There are some things I don't miss about Florida, cockroaches definitely being one of them.  At least it made for an awesomely disgusting story Brigham could use to impress his friends.  :-)
Brigham dressed up in his Civil War costume from last Halloween and further impressed the boys he was with.  They made some grand plans for "our moms to get together and make us ALL soldier costumes!"  It's so fun eavesdropping on their conversations.

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