Monday, September 13, 2010

kids growing up

I don't have little kids anymore.  I've gotten used to saying "I have 3 little boys," but it really isn't true anymore. 
It hit me (again) this weekend when Ben took the boys to go see a football game at a friend's house Saturday afternoon.  I went to do some errands, and then called when I thought they might be coming home.  I still had to go to the grocery store, but I realized I actually *wanted* one or all of the boys with me.  I used to really savor solo grocery trips.  A chance to be alone and take my time and enjoy the peace and quiet without feeling guilty.
Joseph came with me (he likes the grocery store, too), and I loved that hour I spent with my boy.  It's so nice doing some things truly alongside them.  Me teaching them school stuff is nice too (sometimes), but it's not the same as just being with each other.  Joseph is old enough to have interesting conversations with me.  And he's really helpful, too. 
I've had some chances recently to work with Joseph.  Last week a bottle of maple syrup (the real stuff), accidentally got knocked off the pantry shelf.  Everything breaks on our tile floor, and there was syrup and broken class splattered all over the floor.  Ugh.  But Joseph came in and helped me clean it up.  He did a good job.  And we had a good conversation.  It's easier to talk (with my boys, anyway) when we're working together.

1 comment:

Mama said...

Your boys are growing up, but they're still young enough to WANT to go to the grocery store with you!!Cherish those sweet one-on-one moments.