Sunday, September 26, 2010

Saturday run-down

Joseph woke up at 5:50 (!!) this morning, anxious to go running with Ben.  They walked a mile with the dog, then brought him home and then Ben ran 7 miles with Joseph on his bike.  When he came back, Joseph told me all about the dead skunk he saw on the side of the road and the deer still out so early in the morning.

Ben took Mosey to his first soccer game this morning at 10:00.  He's playing YMCA soccer, and the coach for his team wasn't able to get practices arranged before the first game, so they went out there cold, unfortunately against a team with bigger, older, more experienced kids...  Apparently the score reflected that.  :-)  Mosey, fortunately, is not particularly competitive when it comes to team sports (he is, however, VERY competitive when it comes to playing Sorry...  The tears and drama the last time we played as a family was truly something to behold), and he just had fun running around.  Ben said he is way more focused than he was last year as a 5-year old (when we had to keep reminding him to try to kick the ball), and if he had chosen to stay in the 4-6 year old league, he probably would have been one of the stars on the team.  But when I asked him, Mosey really wanted to be on the 6-8 year old team, so there you go.  Joseph and Brigham went to watch him as well, and I stayed home and folded laundry.  Ben took the boys to Crown Donuts after the game, which I think will be a nice little tradition for them.  Ben also got snookered into being the assistant coach, which I think will be great for Mosey. 

When the boys got home, I had to put on my tough-mom hat and kick some little boys' bums to get them to clean out the car.  After much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, they finally went out and did it.  And it took them all of 20 minutes, too.  Can you imagine the cruelty?!

After a quick run to Target, the boys had a friend over in the afternoon (also named Joseph, which made things just a little confusing).  I took them all to see the Guardians of Ga'hoole movie, which I thought was great.  Of course, I think all the new 3D movies are great.  :-)

Then back home, threw together an awesome dinner of Rice-a-Roni and frozen broccoli and cauliflower from a bag (I am such a gourmet cook), and headed off to the Relief Society general broadcast.  I especially liked President Monson's talk on charity and not judging others.

I made it to the grocery store by 9:00, and back home by shortly after 10:00.  Cleaned up the kitchen, put away groceries, fed Spots, and actually had a conversation with my husband.  Busy day!  I didn't get to all of my Saturday tasks, but that's just how it goes.  It's technically the Sabbath now, and time for me to go to bed!


Mama said...

I loved President Monson's talk too. What a great Saturday you had!

Kelly said...

I was in sitting in Sunday School class on Sunday morning in Taiwan when the general Relief Society Meeting was happening, and totally thinking of all my Texas friends at the Mix & Mingle with Mexican Munchies at the Austin Stake Center. We will get to have our broadcast a week after General Conference, translated into Mandarin. But then I'll most likely go into another room to hear it in English. I have heard a lot of positive feedback from President Monson's talk and have been tempted to watch it at home before then, and still might.