Thursday, April 08, 2010

Bandaid Bonanza

What is it about bandaids and kids? They must emit some kind of silent-to-adults siren song for the under-10 crowd.
We'd been out of bandaids for a few months. My kids survived. No one bled to death or got gangrene or anything. Shocking, I know.
I finally remembered to buy bandaids about 2 weeks ago when I was filling a prescription at Target. It was a big box of 100 assorted bandaids.
Do you want to know how many bandaid-requiring wounds my kids have suddenly acquired in the past 2 weeks? 35. Yes, thirty-five. That's about 12 each, or one per day per kid since I bought them. Aye, yi, yi!!
Now I remember why it took me so long to replace the bandaids!

1 comment:

Mama said...

It's the Band Aid conspiracy -- designed to keep the Band Aid corporate moguls living the high life! It happened at my house all the time -- I finally learned never to buy more band aids. Everyone survived :)