Friday, April 23, 2010

good internet filter?

Picture very not-courtesy of Google images.

It is high-time for us to get a good Internet filter. Yesterday the boys found some berries growing in our backyard, and wanted to find out what they were. Brigham thought they might be from a holly bush, and so, like the internet-savvy boy that he is, he went to Google Images and typed in "holly." Then he asked me in a confused voice, "I wanted to find pictures of holly berries, and instead all I got were these pictures of girls." Oops. I quickly typed as fast as my fingers were able, "holly berry images," and then he found what he was looking for.
Thankfully he was only on the originally holly screen for a few moments. Yikes.
Any recommendations out there?


Anna said...

As our daughter is getting a little older I have been asking the same question. A lot of people have recommended the Net Nanny.

A. L. Martin said...

So- you don't know me, but I'm in Benjamin's ward at BYU- He showed me your blog when he found out I'm into Photography. ANYWAY- my parents use/love the "Safe eyes" internet filter. They can set individual passwords for the kids and set time limits and specific settings on their internet use. It's pretty sweet! Good Luck!