Friday, April 02, 2010

April foolery

My boys really got into April Fools this year. Here's the rundown of the pranks:
1. Lunch for breakfast (tortilla pizzas)
2. Dinner for lunch (pasta and broccoli)
3. Breakfast for dinner (cereal)
4. Drop of food coloring in the bowls before cereal was poured, turning the milk unexpectedly blue
5. Socks stuffed into dad's shoes
6. Tape wrapped around dad's car's steering wheel (sticky side up, of course!)
7. Joseph and Brigham walked into their piano teachers house carrying their violins and calling out, "We're ready for our violin lesson!"
8. Various items dropped on mom (paper, stuffed animals), "from nowhere!" (courtesy of Mosey)
9. Brigham, at various times during the day, saying things like, "Oh, too bad we missed that festival!" making me panic and mentally run down my calendar trying to think of what we might have missed! (I admit he got me on this a couple of times)
10. Joseph wrapped a rubber band around the spray hose in our kitchen sink-- an oldie but goodie.

Fun stuff.


Mama said...

Your kids made up for the total absence of any April Fool revelry around here! We are decidedly deficient in the sense of humor category... So hurray for jokes!

Jill T said...

We did number 4 too. Fun :)

I like 6 and 7. We don't have violins, but we'll have to try the tape next year.

Sounds like you had a fun day! I like it when the kids get into it too!

Karly said...

HAHA! I love reading the stories of your little boys with Ted, we just laugh. Thank you for your nice comments. Wow, I didnt realize it was four years for you! I am sure you feel like it is sp far in the past but I am shocked. One year felt like 4 years. Cant wait to see you guys in St. George!