Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Day

Christmas Day started with the boys upstairs stomping on the floor. They were not allowed to come down until Ben went up to get them, so we told them to stomp on the floor (right above our bedroom) when they woke up. But it had to be light outside!
They actually didn't wake up until 8:00 AM which was very decent of them. :-)
I was feeling horrible, but I parked myself on the couch and Ben brought the boys downstairs. I had thoughts of having a short devotional before the madness of presents, but I was barely holding it together, so I told Ben to just let them go for it.
So the hits?:
Schleich Castle-- I knew this would be a favorite. The boys have several Schleich knights they've been collecting over the past couple of years to go with it.
Leapfrog Talking Globe-- Ben wasn't so sure about this, and no one really got into it until the day after Christmas or so, but it's been sitting on our kitchen table getting played with many times a day. Ben and I have just as much fun with it as the boys. We're all going to be geography whizzes soon! The one we got is the same as the one I linked to, but we sure didn't pay that much for it!!!
Haba Blocks-- We seriously have SO MANY blocks. But they get played with every single day. This was Brigham's favorite gift (no surprise there).
Watch-- Joseph got a $10 watch in his stocking, and that has ended up being by far his favorite gift. Go figure. :-)
Webkinz-- We have a lot of these, too, but Mosey LOVES them and they do get played with all the time. And all the boys can navigate and play on Webkinz World all by themselves now! (yay!)
DVDs: Scooby Doo, Blue Planet, Harry Potter, Evan Almighty, Polar Express. We've been watching them all.
Legos: I don't need to say any more about these!
K'nex: Ditto! Our relatives know my boys very well.
Transformers (thanks Naomi and Dave-- now, Dave, do you think you can come to our house and tutor the boys on how to get them back into their original positions? I'm seriously not smart enough...)
Ben got me a new set of pots and pans. We just threw away all our old ones. :-) We never had any good pots and pans to begin with-- just cheapo ones we bought at Walmart when we were first married 12 years ago, plus an assortment of Goodwill pans. They were all just awful. I love the new ones. He also got me a car battery charger. Romantic, huh? :-) Actually, I requested and love both of those gifts, they're exactly up my alley. The boys gave me slippers, scrapbook paper, and jewelry cleaner.
I wasn't very creative with Ben this year. He wanted a leather computer case. The boys and I searched diligently but never found anything even close to what he wanted. Ben finally found one he liked and so he just bought it himself. And he bought himself some clothes. I'm the most unromantic one of all! But at least I wrapped them! :-) The boys gave him a ceramic bread pan, flour, and cologne (it was so much fun shopping for cologne with them-- watching them smelling each one and discussing what they thought Ben would like).
Joseph got Brigham and Mosey each a Webkinz.
Brigham got Joseph and Mosey these helicopter spinner thingies and these cool and gross squeezable brain ball things. I can't explain!
Mosey got Joseph and Brigham plastic soldier-type figures (actually policemen and firemen he is quick to point out), plus a blanket for Joseph and The Polar Express movie for Brigham (with mom's help).
So, needless to say, we certainly did our part in stimulating the U.S. economy this Christmas season. :-)
The boys played and ate Lucky Charms and Christmas candy all day. No one changed out of their PJ's. The boys built a great big block and castle city around the Christmas tree, making it pretty much impossible for me to get around in my wheelchair. Which was ok since I stayed in my room trying to sleep as much as possible. The only thing that has any effect in getting me to stop throwing up is to sleep.
We didn't do our Shepherd's dinner because I was too sick.
Anyway, it was a very fun day! I wish I had taken more pictures! It was pretty much all I could do just to keep it together laying on the couch, though. I did take a few in the evening when I was feeling a little more human.

Oops, I guess Mosey did change out of his PJ's into one of his sweaters he got. Here he is playing with his Transformer and eating cinnamon toast and Lucky Charms.

Mosey helping put together the Schleich castle.

Joseph got all of our knights and set up a whole siege scene. After I took this picture, he took my camera and took about 50 more pictures detailing every part.

Joseph playing with Transformers and sporting his new watch which he hasn't taken off for 6 days now. He was thrilled that I was taking his picture.

Brigham beginning what ends up being a gigantic block city with train tracks running through and around it all.


Hannah said...

I was browsing blogs and I came across the pictures of you and your wonderful family. I got to reading a bit, and I thought to myself, "Joseph? Brigham? I know those names!" I jump to your profile and... yes! She's Mormon! :D
Lots of love from BYU.

Spencer said...

can we come play with you guys next Christmas?

Anonymous said...

Love the schliech ...sp? stuff. We have lots of animals and my mom got us the nativity set a few years back. Perfect for my little ones.
I love the idea of destroying the gingerbread house. Eight o'clock...that was SO nice of them.
As for the Transformers...I SO understand. Moroni can put them together better than I can...and he's 5. I swear you need to have an engineering degree for some of those things.
Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!!