Friday, April 06, 2007

April 6, 2007

Hello everyone,
Today was a clean-the-house day (isn't every day?) and it was pretty successful. One bathroom left to clean, and a couple of loads of laundry left to fold, but other than that I have a clean house! As I was leaning over, cleaning the sides of the toilet, Mosey (who was "helping" me) pointed out, "You have a big bum, mom!" Uhhh, thanks?
After school I picked up the boys and we went to Walmart. On the way, Joseph and Brigham told me about a game that the Kindergartners play at recess. It is your basic boys-against-girls game, but it was so funny to hear them describe it. Brigham said, "The boys spy on the girls and the girls spy on the boys. Then if you get close to a girl, you attack her and put her in the hot lava. Or sometimes they attack you and put you in the hot lava pit." Joseph announced proudly that he has never been attacked, but Brigham replied, just as proudly, that he had. Once, he said, he showed one of the girls a rock he had broken open, and when she came over to look at it closer, the boys "attacked" her and put her in the hot lava. Joseph said that one girl had on sparkly shoes that the boys wanted to see, so they attacked her. As I'm typing this, I'm not sure the humor is coming across. It actually sounds sort of sinister, all this attacking. But it was really funny to hear them talking so matter-of-factly about this game. I asked them who started the game, and they both said, "The girls!" I guess this is the beginning of my little boys realizing there is some fundamental difference between boys and girls.
After Walmart we went on a wild goose chase trying to find this field of bluebonnets that I've heard about over by the Dell campus. I vaguely knew where it was, but not well enough because we drove around fruitlessly for an hour. Finally I stopped on this little side road by this gravel or cement making factory. It was very noisy, but there was a fairly decent sized patch of bluebonnets. I wanted to get a picture of my three boys together, since I really don't even have ONE that I really like. But it was chilly and windy and the boys took turns being uncooperative and holding sticks in front of their faces, or scrunching up their faces really tight, or just up and walking away, so that idea was a bust. I got some ok ones of them individually, and one of Brigham and Joseph together that I like, but I think we'll need to do a re-do before Bluebonnet season is over. After loading back into the car, I called Ben and he was able to tell me more specifically where Dell was, so I drove over there and sure enough there are a couple of huge fields of bluebonnets. So we'll go back there another day, hopefully a warmer day.
I'll attach an example of the shots I got of the 3 boys so you can see what I have to work with. :-)
Oh, we also got an offer on our house in Florida, although it is extremely low-ball. Like, $40,000 under our asking price! So we're deciding whether we should just reject it outright, or negotiate. I sorta want to reject it outright, because their offer is just insulting. We'll see. So not terribly great news on the house front around here! Hopefully our luck will change sometime soon.
Have a wonderful Easter weekend everyone!

Beautiful Bluebonnets, but bad boys!!


Kelly said...

I'm amazed at how clear your photos look. It's actually kind of cute with the boys acting up too. It would also be nice to get one good shot of them cooperating!

As far as that butt comment goes...I had a one of those from my daughter when she was about three years old. She said, "When I get older, I want to have a big bum like yours, Mommy." I'm cracking up just typing it remembering her saying that. Poor kid.

Amy F said...

I just realized you have a blog... I've always just read the emails. :)

I agree about the "action" shots. Gives a bit of realism to your photos!

My big bum experience came in a busy public restroom. Not only did Michael (who was potty training at the time) announce his opinion about the size of my bum, but he narrated what was happening in our stall and cheering for the good job I did. I laugh every time I think about it!