Monday, February 19, 2007

May 18, 2006

Hello Everyone,
Well, the house is clean and it feels sooooo good. I got a ton done this morning, organizing and putting everything away. Still have a few things in the garage left over from cleaning out the car, but I should make short work of that tomorrow morning.

Got Mosey's blood draw done (on the list to be done for about 3 months now), and he was so brave. It was a full vein-draw, too, not just a finger prick. He flinched a bit when the needle went in, but didn't make a PEEP. He just watched and then smiled when he got his Bugs Bunny bandaid. He is a tough little guy! He was a very good boy, today, too. He followed me around as I cleaned and was extremely well behaved all day. So I guess there is still hope for him!

Actually all the boys were so good. After school we went to Walmart Supercenter, which has been the scene of some difficult shopping trips, but all the boys were very good, just looked at toys and didn't whine about getting any. Didn't whine about being too tired or it taking too long or anything like that. Afterwards we swung by the lab for Mosey's bloodwork. I have some I need to get done, too (also on the list for like 2 months) but when I got there I found out I had to be fasting for 10 hours before, so I just did Mosey's. I'll go back in the morning I guess.

I still have 17 messages on my voice mail that I need to listen to (I just haaaaaaate voice mail...), plane tickets to purchase, graduation pictures for the boys' class to order, an entire basket of mail to sort, and a bunch of other projects, but at least the house is clean now!

Ben worked from home today which was really nice. I think he got a lot done since the big boys were not home from 8:00 to 4:00 PM and Mosey didn't bother him too much this morning. He's hopefully going to work from home at least one day a week from now on. It would be great to move that to 2 days a week, but that may be pushing it. It really does save his sanity from the commute and his crazy boss and all the rest of it.

I felt good emotionally all day, maybe even a bit manic?? I'm not sure, but at least much different from being depressed, which was nice. It was sunny today which makes a huge difference to me. I think I may have overdid it a little today, though, because I've been pretty fuzzy and unsteady this evening. I'm going to bed in about 5 minutes so hopefully 9 hours of sleep will leave me good to go in the morning.

I love you all, thank you for the supportive emails and phone calls. Even if I never return phone calls... Sorry about that. I'm not trying to worry some of you worry-warts out there, but it helps me to just sort of get some of this stuff off my chest instead of having it all start to curdle up with unnecessary worry, you know? I'm managing fine, I promise

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