Monday, February 19, 2007

April 27, 2006

Hey Everyone,
Long time, no update. It is very hard and busy being the mom of 5!! Ben got back on Wednesday night and the boys are so excited! And so am I! I got to go shopping BY MYSELF yesterday afternoon and it was so nice. But I am getting the hang of these 5 kids and things are way less stressful than they were a week ago. Well, it helps that my boys are in school 3 hours a day, too.
I've been busy taking care of kids, cleaning up after them, chauffering kids to school and back, taking Carter to piano lessons (2 this week since he had to make up one), and also at night trying to keep up with my photo editing. I am so happy with the way the maternity shots are coming. I'll share a few with you when I'm done.
Today while we were waiting for Carter to finish his piano lesson, the kids and I went out and played on the grass alongside a lake. I got out my camera to practice exposing for backlighting conditions, as well as focus in moving subjects... Always tough. I was pretty happy with how they came out though, slowly a higher percentage of my shots are actually acceptable. I played around with some of them tonight and I'll share them below. Harsh direct sunlight is really difficult to shoot in, and so backlighting the subject is pretty much the only way to go. But even with the sun behind them, it was still really bright and I did get quite a lot of squints. Oh well, they're still cute.
I am so excited for Benjamin to come tomorrow! Another helper I can recruit! No, just kidding. I'm excited to do some fun things with him and spend some time with him before he's gone for 2 whole years. I know the boys will be happy to see their uncle too.
Ok, well this is a short and sweet email. Can't write more, too tired!

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