Monday, February 19, 2007

April 15, 2006
Hey All,
Ok, a quick run-down on my day. In the morning the boys got their easter basket from the front porch. In it I had a cadbury egg for each of them, a new shirt and tie for Brigham and Joseph and a pants/shirt/vest outfit for Moses. I took pictures with Ben of all of them in their Sunday best, but none with me as I wasn't ready for church yet and by the time I was, we were almost late for church!
After church I was going to do an easter egg hunt with the boys with some candy-filled eggs I made last night, but honestly with the amount of candy they got at church, I just didn't want any MORE of it, so instead we boiled some eggs and decorated and dyed them. I only had 6 eggs so it was a little pathetic, but I think the boys still liked it. I hid the 6 eggs in our front yard and the boys found them.
For dinner we had hamburgers (real festive, huh? I clearly hadn't shopped nor prepared for an Easter dinner...), and then after dinner we all played and wrestled on the tramp and then went on a drive out past Weston and stopped along side Highway 27. We walked a ways along a canal, saw an alligator swimming in the water, tried to hit the alligator with rocks (Ben came pretty darn close), and then started getting bit by bugs so we went home.
The last couple of days were pretty good-- yesterday night was the boy scout silent auction and spaghetti dinner. We bought a bunch of stuff, spent $115, but felt it was for a good cause, especially since we have 3 boy scouts coming up. I also donated some of our baby toys (walker, climb-on toy thing, etc.) that have been collecting dust, so that was good. Still tough for me to give up my baby things... I really need to take down the crib since Mosey hasn't slept in it in months, but I don't know, it's a little hard taking it down not knowing if I'll ever put it up again...
Friday was a very lazy day for me. I was wiped out from the day before when I took the boys to the zoo. So on Friday pretty much the boys watched a couple of Scooby Doo DVD's and played and I attempted to rest on the couch. I haven't cleaned up the house at all since Thursday night and it is pretty much a disaster now. Oh well it will get cleaned up again eventually.
I'm frustrated with my MS right now. My left leg is still acting up, but more than that I am just so tired all the time. I am so SICK of being tired. All the brochures and stuff I have from the doctor on dealing with MS fatigue pretty much just say to rest, get enough sleep, blah blah blah. Not helpful for me. I want to be back to my sleep 6 hours a night and run around like crazy during the day life. I HATE feeling like I'm completely drugged up when waking up in the morning. And I could pretty much fall asleep at any moment at any time of the day, I never totally feel alert and energized. And I am experiencing a lot of physical lethargy, too, like my limbs are weighted down. I haven't been jogging in days because I'm afraid of tripping and I just don't feel good or right afterwards. I'm having trouble typing, too, which I NEVER do, so I know it is affecting my hand coordination too. I suppose I could call my doctor and ask for another course fo prednisone, but I really don't LIKE steroids, they make me feel nauseated and really don't help with my fatigue which is the main issue right now. I know I just have to wait out this attack I'm in, but it is really frustrating. Ok, whine over.
I've attached a few more pictures, the first is of Ben and the boys this morning. I'm still having issues with focus from distances. I increased my aperture to 8 on this shot, thinking I had enough depth of field to get everyone in focus, but the focus landed on the bushes behind them. Oh well, it's still good enough for a scrapbook snapshot which is what it was for anyway. I'm taking pictures of the boys' preschool class later on this week, so I need to practice a bit more to make sure I can get my focus right. I could resort to the old automatic setting, but I prefer to do everything manually so I can learn exactly what gives what results. I have 2 more photo shoots this week, on on Thursday for a 2 year old, and another on Saturday for a girl in my ward who is 31 weeks pregnant, so those should be fun.

Rosalynde, I'm still proofing the photos from my trip at your house. I'll be done soon, and burn them to a cd to send to you. But here are a few of the ones I worked on over the weekend.
Hope you all had a great Easter!!

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