Sunday, February 19, 2006

Oh man, we'll see how well I can type tonight. I had a little "accident" with my sewing machine tonight... I was mending a sheet (one of my little scamps, you can guess which one, had the bright idea to cut his sheet in HALF! What was he thinking?), and was in a little too much of a rush and somehow managed to impale my left index finger on the needle. Yep, through the nail and out the other side. It took me a while to even get extricated from the sewing machine, and then I had a needle stuck through my finger! Ben called a guy in our ward who is doing his medical residency and he recommended not going to the ER (I only wanted to go hoping they'd numb up my finger before pulling the needle out), but to just pull the thing out and then disinfect and bandage it up. I took a darvocet from after my c-section (knew I kept those for a reason), and iced my finger up as best I could, and then Ben took some pliers and pulled it out. YOUCH!!!!!!! Seriously, this was the most painful thing I've had for quite a while! But the darvocet is kicking in now and all I've got is a dull throb.
So that was the excitement for today. Other than that it was a pretty average Sunday. Yesterday I slept most of the day, and Ben took care of the boys all day long. I was pretty wiped out from the week. Friday we went to the beach and then there was horrific traffic on the way home so I took the boys to eat at Denny's and then went home. They were asleep by the time we got home, and I went to be shortly afterwards. Saturday I don't know what was going on (MS fatigue, most likely) and I just couldn't get myself up. I woke up several times, but sleep just pulled me under again and again. Anyway it was really good to catch up on some sleep and I know the boys had a good time with Ben. They went to the park, tried to catch iguanas, went to see Curious George, and then came back to our house for a delicious dinner of frozen pizza while Melissa and I went to get pedicures. It was my first time ever getting a pedicure! It was very nice, even if my right foot is mostly numb. But when I was finished, I totally and completely forgot to pay. I don't know what was wrong with me. I'm seriously operating at about 1/2 capacity these days. I drove Melissa home, and it was only then that it occurred to me that I forgot to pay! So I raced back to the mall, ran in, and thankfully the place was still open (20 minutes after closing). I paid and apologized profusely and left a big tip. But I felt so bad! I know they must have been totally talking trash about me after I walked out of there. Ugh, I'll never be able to show my face in there again... Seriously, the MS brain fog is a real thing. Scary.
So anyway, that was our weekend in a nutshell. I tried out my camera after letting it dry out several days, and it is not working... Actually everything seems to work on it except the ability to take a picture! The LCD screen works, the menu and functions buttons all work, the flash card didn't lose any pictures, but I just couldn't get the LCD screen to actually show anything through the lens and when I pressed the shutter, the camera recorded only a black exposure. Sigh... So I'll have to send it in I guess to be fixed.
Ok, I'm really out of it now from the darvocet so I better go to bed. Here's to a better day tomorrow!!

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