Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!!
I hope all of you had a good day. I was thinking back on Valentine's Days of yore, and it was always pretty much a "blah" holiday for me. I never was really bitter or anything, but it just wasn't that great I guess. Except for when I was really little and the whole class had to give Valentine's cards to everyone else and then you got candy... :-) Although I seem to remember a few classes in which the teacher was just really dumb and didn't require all the kids to bring cards for everyone else, and I do remember feeling a little sad when I didn't get as many as others, but that's all in the past now. Valentine's Day with a husband is much better! We're really not huge into Valentine's Day anyway (we didn't exchange gifts or anything), but at least there is someone to say Happy Valentine's Day to and to give and get a hug!
Anyway, yesterday afternoon I was thinking about what I would get for the boys' Valentine's party at school, and I was going to just get some generic Batman valentines or something, but then I had a good idea! So I dragged the boys upstairs for pictures, and they were moderately cooperative, and then I spent last night working on it and managed to get them printed at Walgreens before school today. I'll post the results above. I thought they turned out way cute! I'm slowly but surely learning photoshop. There's probably way faster/easier ways to do some of the things I'm doing, but oh well.
This morning after I dropped the boys off at school I took Mosey upstairs for a Valentine's photo session, and those turned out cute too. I'll get some hard copies printed out for the grandparents reading this! Anyone else who wants a hard copy, let me know and I'll mail you one, too. It only costs me like 30 cents or something to get them printed out so it's not a big deal.
Yesterday the big boys were in quite the mood. I had to get after them quite a bit. We did some errands and I should have known they wouldn't be the most fun errands for them (JoAnn's, Michael's), but still they were stinkers. Then we went to Home Depot which they normally do like but one of the employees there came up to me right after we walked in and told me the boys couldn't sit on the cart (one of those low push carts for carrying big things). I just looked at him and said, "I don't think it is humanly possibly for me to *prevent* them from riding on this." So the guy leaned down and told the boys they had to get off, which they did, except for Mosey. I was just right on the edge of losing it with someone, you know how that feels? Like the next person who crosses me is just going to GET IT. And it just bugged the heck out of me to have some guy tell me that my little kids can't ride on this cart. I mean, come on! It is 6 inches off the ground! And there is just me and 3 kids, please. And if they really are concerned about liability issues (which I'm sure is the basis behind the no-kids-riding rule), they ought to know it is FAR safer for the boys AND for the merchandise if they are confined on the cart and not straggling behind me pulling things off the shelves and stuff. Oh well. Anyway, Joseph got really pouty about not being able to ride, and so as soon as I turned into an aisle, I just told the boys to get back on, which they did, and they were good the rest of the time.
The very sad thing that happened today was that Joseph (in a VERY bad mood because he was up too late last night and had eaten way, way, WAY too much candy) dropped my camera into a bucket of water. On purpose. I was very upset, to put it mildly. I don't think I have ever been so mad at him. I banished him to his room for a very long time until it was time to clean up. As soon as Ben came home he put the boys in the van to go get the missionaries, and of course Joseph fell asleep before they even got back.
Sigh... So I took the batteries out and opened it up as much as possible and I'll let it dry for a few days before trying it out again, but it got really wet. I'm afraid it's not going to make it... I do have a warranty on it, which is good, but still, I am NOT HAPPY. I take pictures almost every day and this is going to leave me without a camera for quite some time.
Anyway, we had the missionaries over for dinner. I did a pink-themed dinner for Valentine's day. Brown sugar-glazed salmon, spaghetti with tomato-cream sauce (evaporated milk instead of cream, btw), strawberry jello with sliced strawberries and cool whip, and then pink-iced sugar cookies and strawberry frozen yogurt for dessert. The boys and the Curtis girls helped to cut out the cookies and decorate them this afternoon. I guess the salmon was a hit because at first all 3 sisters (one was with them on an exchange) declined the salmon saying they really didn't like fish. But then the elders went on and on about it and in the end 2 of the 3 sisters tried it and liked it and went back for seconds! Yay!
Tomorrow morning I have my doctor's appointment. I tried to get my medical records from the other doctor's office but in typical fashion, I was only able to leave a voice mail message for the person in the records office, and also typically, no one called me back. Grrr. My leg is getting worse, though, which is not good. It is actually causing me some pain all the way up to my hip. And I noticed today that the L'hermittes sign is coming back a little, too. Darn it! At least this is giving me a little extra burst of motivation to get medicated and soon!
Hope y'all have a great Wednesday.

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