Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Hello, hello, hello!
For those who are wondering about my doctor's appointment, the short story is that it didn't happen. The long story is that the address I had for the doctor was wrong. He used to work with this one practice in Kendall, but when I got there (late anyway), the receptionist informed me he no longer worked there. So Mosey and I went back to the car (and I couldn't find where I parked so that was an adventure in and of itself) and drove to the other hospital across town where his new office is. I called his office on the way, but only got the receptionist's voice mail. I explained the situation and said I was going to go there anyway just so I'd know where the office was, and I would reschedule the appointment. So we got there, and it was impossible to park, we actually got the LAST empty parking space in a 6-level parking garage, and walked a mile, it seemed, and finally found the right office. But when I got there, the receptionist had no record of me ever even making an appointment! The only thing she could figure was that one of the hospital volunteers must have been taking phone calls while she was away from her desk, and she obviously didn't know how to make appointments. So anyway, I made a new appointment for March 2. It is just as well, I guess, since I still haven't been able to get my medical records from my old doctor. I'm just going to show up there tomorrow and MAKE someone get them for me!
So anyway, poor Mosey was in the car pretty much all morning. I took him to BK to play in the playland as a reward. He LOVES the BK playland, and still didn't want to leave after we'd been there nearly 2 hours. Mosey also discovered the thrill of elevator rides. He LOVES elevators! In all of our wanderings this morning we took 8 different elevator rides. He would only come out of the elevator when I promised him we'd go find another one. In fact, he was very upset to get in the car after the first hospital because he wanted to go back and ride the elevator again. I told him we were going to drive to another hospital to find more elevators and then he was fine. :-) Whenever the elevator would start and stop he would get this intent look on his face and sort of bend his knees and then do his best attempt at a jump while yelling, "Fun!" He's a funny boy.
Joseph and Brigham stayed at the Curtises after school until I came to pick them up. This afternoon we mostly played outside and then went to the gym when Ben came home. I haven't been to the gym in more than a week so it was good to go back. This whole MS thing has made me quite upset. I'm like half depressed about it and half angry about it. But there is absolutely nothing I can do except make the best of it, and so I am just going to go about my normal life the best I can. Yeah, my leg is numb and weak, but I'm going to go work out anyway! I did 3 miles on the treadmill at about an 8:30 pace (except for the last half mile where I pushed it to a 7:54 pace) which is actually a decent speed for me. There were a couple times when I was a bit wobbly and had to grab onto the side, and when I was done my legs were not happy with me. Both feet were numb and I couldn't walk very coordinatedly, but at least while I was running I seemed pretty good. Then I did some regular arm and shoulder exercises and tried to do back and abs. I like to use this piece of equipment that you can use to work the lower back, obliques, and abs, but the problem is it puts weight and pressure on my hips and lower back, and my right hip and right side of my lower back is really not feeling good. It is hard to explain. I'm half-numb on my skin, but the muscles are really sensitive. It is not a good combination.
BUT, I will stop complaining because at the MS clinic today (the real one), I saw a guy probably in his late 30's who has to shuffle along with a walker, and from the looks of it has also lost bladder control. So I am NOT going to let myself wallow in self-pity when I am still fully functional!
Anyway, it is almost time for me to call in to the conference call to hear Benjamin's mission call! Ben predicts he will be called to Brazil. I think my guess is Checkoslovakia (I'm sure I spelled that wrong). We will soon find out!
Have a good Thursday everyone.

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