Monday, February 06, 2006

Hey Everyone,
Another late Sunday night (Monday morning). So what is new?
Actually, there is something new around here, a very welcome new, I might add! Mosey peed in the potty!! He had taken off his diaper (nothing new there), and peed on the floor. I told him next time he should pee on the potty. A little while later, there he was, sitting on the potty. I think it was just for fun, really. So I told him that if he peed on the potty, he would get a treat. A minute later, there he was, proud as can be, with his first potty success! Is it possible that the end of diapers could be in sight??
Today was a pretty average Sunday. Kids were pretty good, church was good. I spent quite a while uploading some pictures so I hope you enjoy them!
I'm ending now because I really have to go to bed. Have a good Monday everyone!

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